
Showing posts from September, 2020

The New World:

Aloha Ohana, We are in a new world: Who are you now?                                      How do you spend your time?  Time is currency, we only have so much of it.  We get twelve months each year, how are you spending your time?  Who are you spending your time with? How does your energy feel when you are with them? How you view time is based on your perspectives, your lens. Infinite potential or shrunken and finite... it is your call. Will you break free of cause and effect thinking? Can you move beyond linear? Wheels turn, in this all powerful moment. Take back your life, change generational curses, step into the new you. As we get out of the log jam in our minds, and into the present, we realize anything is possible! All treasures reveal in a relaxed state of mind, to make this the "new" and only way. CLEAR YOUR SPACE, keep it peaceful. Be protective of this, above all else. ...


 Aloha Ohana, Can you hold space while the world spins? Kinda feels like the world is spinning currently with politics, COvid19, riots, protests, wild fires, rage and mass destruction. The volume is increasing. Can you observe, and not respond? Letting truest intentions REveal. ALLOWING. The act of PAUSING. Observing in this breathing SPACE. Let the Universe brings all parts together for the greatest good. Go out and PLAY!                       REcharge! What is yours can NOT be taken away. Situations that get you fired up, are here for you to learn. Don't slip back into old patterns.                                  Stay present and heart centered. Aloha, "awaken the path of light, and to stay awake" Those that appear ANGRY, rage-filled...lack self-love. How can we share aloha with others is if we do not feel it for ourselv...

Bring Back Your Power

 Aloha Ohana, To Reshape our thinking is to bring back our power, or MANA.  Their are many paths to take in life, choose the path that empowers, with heart.                    Allow and accept, embrace, to co-create! Once you Reshape your thinking, you never have to think negative thoughts again! Why waste sixty seconds being angry? You cannot retrieve those sixty seconds, why waste energy with YUK? REdirect.             Allow the personal transformation to fill you with joy, this fuels your MANA. Change is not always comfortable, but it is always necessary to grow.                  CHOOSE to be a POSITIVE, and UPLIFTING. REalize your effect on others.                      All Paths lead to spirit, and any path will take you there! Take a bold step!              All...

Forgive Your Way To Joy!

Aloha Ohana, Happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in life are inner concepts. If you don't have inner peace and serenity, then we have nothing. Meditate on your inner being as serene and peaceful, breathing life into that space.                           Make the first move! Release past ideals that no longer serve you.  DO the INNER to SHIFT into NEW! Get to the top of the mountain, for HIGHER perspectives, and better views. THANK everyone who taught you lessons along the way, and let them go, as you LEVEL up vibrationally.                           Show up FULLY, and completely. Unite with others, in that deep trusting space, of knowing that we are ALL CONNECTED thru the same SOURCE. UNIVERSAL LOVE SOURCE, and  WE SHARE THE PLANET. In the realm of day to day reality, practice IT. BEING.           The PLAYGROUND to...


 Aloha Ohana, In the words of the great Bruce Lee,  “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.  Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” Water symbolizes purifications, regeneration, birth, revival...NEWNESS; and we are invited to watch our emotions, the ebb and flow of events. Go with water as in...cleanse unwanted energies, making way for new processes. Once we REconnect with our feelings, we develop communication with our Phyical form not based on addiction, compulsion, fear, gluttony or selfishness.         The Goddess HINA was found in the rough sea by the c...

Align With Who You Are BE-coming

 ALoha OHANA,        DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE?  WE can stick with that WE know, or now is a great time to veer out in a new direction, for new adventures.  To get what we want, we must be brave enough to admit what we want...this gives a greater understanding of who we are. BE brave enough to SPEAK these words out loud. Zero in on goal, evolve thru life lessons, and get ready for a change! Rest your way to success! By retreating, rejuvenating and renewing energy, discover new activities that steer you away from old routines rather, into new thoughts, new ways, new schedules achieving those goals and dreams! Be open. Say YES to your calling. Their is unlimited spiritual resources available to you right now!                                        JUST SPEAK OUT LOUD...ASK!   Both ancient ones, the divine, angels, guides are ready and will...


  Aloha Ohana, If our thoughts create our life...                                         what are you thinking? Can you reshape your thinking?                                           As to heal self authentically, dropping negativity mindfully. You have the POWER, and only you can choose your thoughts. Be a conscious creator: strengthen your energy field; from thought to form. Get CLEAR about what you want in your life. All desires are within reach, and the universe is conspiring to help achieve aspirations. Get balanced within self, then harmony transpires in all parts of life.                           TUNE in....Do not tune out. Once you are clear on what you desire, obstacles are removed, and blessings are amp...

We Are Human Beings...BE.

ALOHA FRIDAY  OHANA,  Don't equate your self-worth, with how well you do things in life, as we are NOT what we do. If you are what you do,                 then when you don't...                                                    you aren't. We are human beings. NOT human doings. Self-empowerment is knowing you are strong because you are supported divinely...divinely LOVED...divinely valued.                  To preserve our innocence is essential. TO APPROACH SITUATIONS WITH RENEWED PEACE.     To approach life with child-like curiosity, letting go of preconceived ideas that have developed over time in mind and heart. This Renewing of mind, and thinking is to contemplate individual situations encountered, and being accountable for the results of our decision...

Everything Is Vibration And Frequency.

                              Aloha Ohana, Everything is vibration and frequency.      The frequency of realization supports our internal process of becoming aware of our heart- centered truth. The frequency of realization supports our external process of becoming our highest expression in soul body. As we are still RE-phasing, so this REALIZATION... is part of the Universal process of healing and ascension. *meaning do we operate from a place of FEAR or LOVE.     AS we move forward, be mindful,  recognizing where are we operating from?!!       Remember we are divinely nurtured and supported. Remember this as we are moving along our paths alone, and with others. One of the quickest ways to higher levels of awareness, and one of the most POWERFUL things you can do for yourself on a spiritual path, is to learn to forgive self. To forgive instantly lightens our load....

We Are Still In "RE" Phase

Aloha Ohana,                      LOVE is my gift to the world.     I fill myself with LOVE, and send that LOVE out to the world. How others treat me is their path, how I react is mine.               Right now spirit is saying, do less. We are still in RE phase!                                   Restore                                        Reevaluate                           Rejuvenate                   REST        Return Recovery            Retreat                    Replenish and so forth. ...

The Great Sage of 2020

   Aloha Ohana,         Be conscious of thoughts you are having.                             Be clear about what you desire in life.          Universal energies are working with us, bringing forth desires to fruition. Open heart, and merge with the operate from a place of love while journeying this lifetime. One thing I have learned is:                         even when overwhelmed...                               even when things don't make sense... Being in full FLOW with source,                  all tasks, and undertakings are possible! All of these experiences collectively are part of the process! REMEMBER everything you have gone through in soul body, these are our...

Positive Thoughts Create A Positive Life.

 Positive thoughts create a positive life. Only YOU........ can choose your thoughts. Choose to reshape your thinking, so that you never have to think a negative thought again.            Set your dreams in motion! Thru the thoughts you accept to run thru your mind.                         Connect to self, and your feelings.     Once we connect to our feelings we can develop communication with our physical form, or bodies, the vessel/vehicle for our soul.      When we are truly connected to self, we don't allow addiction, compulsion, fear, gluttony or selfishness to be our foundation.      "HINA" is a Hawaiian Nurturing  moon Goddess, and reminds us of the moon! Hina's creativity springs forth from illuminating, and connecting cycles in life. Hina is healing. Hina is represented by the color grey. In order to accept the unknown, ...

Do Not Let Fear Disable or Defeat YOU.

  Aloha Ohana, NOW, as in today, in this moment...  is the time to release all of your past ideals that no longer serve you. We are on this great verge of change! It is so palpable, I can slice it! A Let go. A completion. A shift to new. Higher perspectives from higher viewpoints. Treasure your Physical being. Our body is our vehicle for our soul.           Spirit says, "Once you have the inner way, the outer way will follow".      We all have a place inside us that holds the most significant answers, this inner knowing. In this time of soul searching, and introspection...all the guidance comes from within. The time is NOW to: Contemplate motivations, new ideals, personal principles, and values. Seek, and speak the truth.                   Self-assessment, and meditation are keys to knowing. Our priorities shift once we develop deeper perspectives. Alone time allows for introspection....

Focus On What Is Really Important In Life.

  Focus on what you really want out of life.                                   Quality over appearance.                                                     Ethics over rules.                                                           Integrity over  domination.                                                                 Knowledge over achievement.                                  ...
Aloha Ohana, It is our shadow side that is transformed thru fractions of light.  So to... Illuminate shadows within self, is to understand the hidden parts of self.  Shine LIGHT on hidden parts on self, to see self more clearly. IN order to move thru many realms of existence, one must FACE the shadow side of subconscious...and allow fears to fade.  THAT BURSTING ILLUSIONS. "ANUENUE" is Hawaiian for transformation, and is represented by the rainbow. The rainbow reminds us of the presence of light during storms, the rainbow promises that ... WHEN WE SHINE BRIGHTLY, as we undergo transformations, our pot of GOLD actually find us! ...and with ease. BREATHE. Inhale. Exhale. NOTICE NOW... how the knowledge is pouring back into us, helping to understand... who we are who we have been and  who we are becoming. Understanding the roles we play, in each of our lives, and soul agreements, and the releasing of old karma. These connections of compassion allow the FLOW of divine be...

Keep your REAL friends... like your bathing suits: TIGHT.

Aloha Ohana, Develop a positive mindset, and release the need to determine how things "should be". The states of our lives is merely a reflection of our state of mind. If you are suffering in life right now, I can guarantee that this condition is tied up to some kind of attachment to how things "should" be going. Spirit has been whispering about COHERENCE for the last week with me. Coherence is the frequency that supports our ability to harmonize the frequency of the heart with the frequency of the mind for an optimal ability to create a reality we desire. Have you forgotten we live in a world infused with MAGIC? Magic manifests miracles!  Magic is real, and infused in everything. REMEMBER your relationship to source. The Universe is calling us to return to child-like wonder, and BELIEVE that anything can happen! HO'OPONOPONO is to Make a wrong right, forgiveness, communication. Spirit is asking we use the ancient ways of harmonious relationships, as all things ...