Keep your REAL friends... like your bathing suits: TIGHT.

Aloha Ohana,

Develop a positive mindset, and release the need to determine how things "should be".

The states of our lives is merely a reflection of our state of mind. If you are suffering in life right now, I can guarantee that this condition is tied up to some kind of attachment to how things "should" be going.

Spirit has been whispering about COHERENCE for the last week with me. Coherence is the frequency that supports our ability to harmonize the frequency of the heart with the frequency of the mind for an optimal ability to create a reality we desire.

Have you forgotten we live in a world infused with MAGIC?

Magic manifests miracles! 

Magic is real, and infused in everything.

REMEMBER your relationship to source.

The Universe is calling us to return to child-like wonder, and BELIEVE that anything can happen!

HO'OPONOPONO is to Make a wrong right, forgiveness, communication. Spirit is asking we use the ancient ways of harmonious relationships, as all things are inter-related. Ho'OpOnOpOnO requires us to do whatever it takes to RESTORE harmony and balance.

THINK GLOBALLY at the state of our PLANET.... to RESTORE harmony and balance.

I dated a guy once who said, "Maria, we CREATE BALANCE."   

                                                                        ...THAT still resonates, and is true.

HO'OPONOPONO invokes periods of silence as to encourage self inquiry into actions, motives, feelings and REST. To release guilt, grudges and tension associated with past behaviors...offering mutual forgiveness to self and others. THIS RESTORES BALANCE.

                                                                                          As does prayer.

What if we all forgive self, and our brothers and sisters on this planet, MINDFULLY, as to hold our magic to restore EARTH to balance and harmony, to have forgiveness for self, and neighbors across the globe, our generations past, to correct future, as we are all connected. 

We need to connect to universal love source...tapping into that shit, like its a candy shop!

More forgiveness, is letting go to create the space, the life, the planet we desire; aligning with life's greater purpose.

These adjustments help in the healing process from old to new!

                                                                     Obtain a fresh perspective on life:)

                HONOR the person you truly want to be.

                                     Eliminate everything not essential to this transformation.

Allow the changes taking place, we are entering a period of greater calm and stability and FLOW.

When we get honest with ourselves, we ultimately find what we are looking for.

                     FOCUS on CREATING a CALM and BALANCED life for yourself.

                                                                                                                      Slowing down.

            "LOVE is simply the name for desire and pursuit of the whole." Plato.

Keep your REAL friends... like your bathing suits: TIGHT.




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