We Are Human Beings...BE.


 Don't equate your self-worth, with how well you do things in life, as we are NOT what we do.

If you are what you do,

                then when you don't...

                                                   you aren't.

We are human beings. NOT human doings.

Self-empowerment is knowing you are strong because you are supported divinely...divinely LOVED...divinely valued.

                 To preserve our innocence is essential.


    To approach life with child-like curiosity, letting go of preconceived ideas that have developed over time in mind and heart.

This Renewing of mind, and thinking is to contemplate individual situations encountered, and being accountable for the results of our decisions.

Pray from freedom of fear...worries...unhealthy obsessions that control and harm you.

Finish what you start, the efforts will be worth the work.

Be patient, and appreciate all the progress made thus far.

Be grateful, FOCUS on the NOW, 

                                  and do what you can with what you have.

Be clear with intentions, as to guide manifestations.

I used to feel responsible for everything, and everyone, I used to believe I had to do it all alone.

This took me into a dark hole, where trust was lost in the natural order of the cosmos.

                       I had falsely imprisoned self.

As had I with a job title: Owner. Massage Therapist. Pilates instructor. Personal Trainer. ANF Therapist. "BEST"

...I had wedged myself into all of these tiny boxes, and none of them fit, because I am so much more!

                                   I have the gift of LIFE.

                In a human body!

I am a steward of love, to the planet EARTH, of Health and wellness.

To appreciate the natural gifts given, focusing on REverence and grace of spirit that I am intrinsically, and imperfectly apart of.

Focusing on COMPASSION, and SERVICE to the world.

Reminders to act with integrity, gratitude, and HUMILITY is our invitation on the path.

We live in an abundant world, where anything is possible. 

                       FOCUS on what nourishes you.

    During this time of COVID-19, we all have been stressed, many like myself, have lost their jobs, and are currently unemployed. Many are not eating well, many are not breathing, many are forgetting to look at all of the beauty surrounding us. Many are tense, and angry, and fueling that toxicity onto others creating more sludge.

STOP. The choices are LOVE or FEAR. 

                                                    Choose wisely.

                                                                Choose mindfully.

RISE UP, and LIFT other with you...as to correct the coarse.

    The spirit of EARTH is our medicine. We must practice self-care, and keep trying on the days we fail ourselves, to have forgiveness and to begin again.

Miracles happen all the time, we live in abundance, and we manifest magic!

                          We are not what we do, so detach!

"NAUPAKA" is a shrub that grows in Hawaii with light green leaves, and white berry clusters.

Naupaka is the agony of separate parts, separate by space and time...which can cause agony.

To separate ourselves from a particular outcome, approach, relationship, situation for completion of cycles.

The cessation of clinging to any idea, behavior not in our best interests can be used with purification.

To grieve a whole year after an important relationship ends is healing self and allowing transformation. THINK about this mindfully with loss of jobs, friends and family during COVID-19.



To allow and take this time to become REorganized in our RElationship with self.

To detach from the titles of our jobs...


which so many of us are currently examining.

To detach from the finances associated with said job.

To detach, allow it to burn, and be swept into sea...letting go.

Wisdom is always contained in our expressions, and we are completely whole within ourselves. BE.

     As we progress in the frequency of this soul time, we flow into a new reality and emerge. This  new reality embraces that our physical body is here for a limited time, and our souls are timeless, limitless, and infinite. BE.

We are human beings.

All is well.




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