Bring Back Your Power
Aloha Ohana,
To Reshape our thinking is to bring back our power, or MANA.
Their are many paths to take in life, choose the path that empowers, with heart.
Allow and accept, embrace, to co-create!
Once you Reshape your thinking, you never have to think negative thoughts again!
Why waste sixty seconds being angry? You cannot retrieve those sixty seconds, why waste energy with YUK?
Allow the personal transformation to fill you with joy, this fuels your MANA.
Change is not always comfortable, but it is always necessary to grow.
REalize your effect on others.
All Paths lead to spirit, and any path will take you there!
Take a bold step!
Allow JOY to be your state of heart and soul, unite.
ELIMINATE negative energies from the body/mind.
The soul is assisting with creating these changes to align with life's purpose, be open to new ideas, growth.
ELIMINATE everything that isn't essential to transformation, including distractions from what is truly important.
Allow the changes to take place.
Greater calm and stability will follow.
Our MANA can create order or chaos.
REgulate and Redirect.
Practice bREathing back to calm.
Develop talents with patience and time.
EMPOWER yourself with a calm mind.
REflect on how your actions and thoughts effect yourself, others, your energy and experiences!
Calmness of body, clearness of vision.
RESHAPE and Radiate... tap into your MANA.
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