Aloha Ohana,

It is our shadow side that is transformed thru fractions of light. 

So to...Illuminate shadows within self, is to understand the hidden parts of self. 

Shine LIGHT on hidden parts on self, to see self more clearly.

IN order to move thru many realms of existence, one must FACE the shadow side of subconscious...and allow fears to fade. 


"ANUENUE" is Hawaiian for transformation, and is represented by the rainbow. The rainbow reminds us of the presence of light during storms, the rainbow promises that ...

WHEN WE SHINE BRIGHTLY, as we undergo transformations, our pot of GOLD actually find us!

...and with ease.





how the knowledge is pouring back into us, helping to understand...

who we are

who we have been


who we are becoming.

Understanding the roles we play, in each of our lives, and soul agreements, and the releasing of old karma.

These connections of compassion allow the FLOW of divine between heaven and Earth. 

AN Unconditional love source thru hearts into world!!!

                  When we are at peace within ourselves, and love ourselves...

it is impossible to be self-destructive. 

                             To relearn to LOVE our bodies, our minds, our now.

Shine light in our built up shadow illusion to flow, and belong within the natural movements of the world.

To allow the effortlessness, and gracefully move to destinations, reminds us of our sense of allowing. To allow nature to run her coarse.





Take the path of least resistance.

Enjoy the ride as our dreams take shape, as we dance with destiny...thru fractions of light, thru shadows, thru the a place we call home.

A place of belonging from within.

When we belong, we love, we connect, we share, we care, we can see each other thru a mirror. As we belong, we are not seeking approval, we are experiencing the positive parts of being a community. This includes learning to trust, to ask for help, and rely on others.

Listen to your HEART. Shine your light.

Remember you are a unicorn.

                        A unicorn is a horse, with extra potential!

Celebrate the beauty that unfolds from THAT place.




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