Align With Who You Are BE-coming



WE can stick with that WE know, or now is a great time to veer out in a new direction, for new adventures. 

To get what we want, we must be brave enough to admit what we want...this gives a greater understanding of who we are. BE brave enough to SPEAK these words out loud.

Zero in on goal, evolve thru life lessons, and get ready for a change!

Rest your way to success! By retreating, rejuvenating and renewing energy, discover new activities that steer you away from old routines rather, into new thoughts, new ways, new schedules achieving those goals and dreams!

Be open.

Say YES to your calling.

Their is unlimited spiritual resources available to you right now!                     

                  JUST SPEAK OUT LOUD...ASK!  

Both ancient ones, the divine, angels, guides are ready and willing to assist us, in fact...this excites them!

Who are you becoming? 

                         ...THAT future self of you.

When we are aligned with our highest integrity, forgiving self, and ancestors, we get the FREEDOM we desire.

The divine order of life is to take care of self, then take care of others.

To serve self in an oasis of self-love, self-care for our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic body. As we feel good, we can serve from a full place!

I am LEARNING only now, to NOT extend myself when not in a full place, as it depletes me.  What good does it do me if I give my all, and I am left drained in doing so? A fuller bank account maybe, and an empty lifeless vessel certainly. This doesn't work. This bankrupts the spirit. 

As we zero in on goals, we think of ways that fill vessel with the work. What pays, without the cash...but in energy!?! Saying Yes to calling, might mean you have been doing something for years...

and now we shift,

               and we don't cling,

                                        we allow the flow of newness.

As we begin to view the world from a PLACE OF INNER BALANCE, and heart centered, we can offer compassion, and wisdom to others from a detached place that serves the greater good.

Examine the seeds we planted.

In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, 'Ano'Ano, are our seeds of intention.

Examine seeds:




               this will determine what you harvest.

As we become more conscious, and in touch with our intentions, we can fully CREATE the life we desire!

See it... win your mind's eye, to achieve it!

Lastly, what we are not disciplined about, CONTROLS us.

Examine your life.

Control your emotions, be disciplined about everything else.

Align With Who You Are BE-coming




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