
 Aloha Ohana,

Can you hold space while the world spins?

Kinda feels like the world is spinning currently with politics, COvid19, riots, protests, wild fires, rage and mass destruction.

The volume is increasing.

Can you observe, and not respond?

Letting truest intentions REveal.


The act of PAUSING.

Observing in this breathing SPACE.

Let the Universe brings all parts together for the greatest good.

Go out and PLAY!


What is yours can NOT be taken away.

Situations that get you fired up, are here for you to learn.

Don't slip back into old patterns.

                                 Stay present and heart centered.

Aloha, "awaken the path of light, and to stay awake"

Those that appear ANGRY, rage-filled...lack self-love.

How can we share aloha with others is if we do not feel it for ourselves?

Aloha means to be patient with self and others, focusing on breathing enables patience thru meditation.

Develop patience with self.

Develop harmony in self.

Develop acceptance in self.

Develop understanding in self.

Develop forgiveness in self.

Develop nurturing love with self.

Develop calmness in self.

Develop warmth in self.

Be still. 


                  Be a mirror.

YOU are your biggest gift to the world!

Wherever you go, with whomever you touch.

Allow Aloha to radiate to the world.

When you lack happiness, fulfillment and purpose, which are INNER concepts, you lack inner peace and serenity.

The person looking back in the mirror was the one you have to answer to everyday.

Run all information thru heart, center of our truth, stay in the flow of source.

We hold  place inside us, with the most significant KNOWING!!!

When we are heart centered, we can truth that knowing.

Motivations and ideas are present, yet untapped in this space.

Speak too the divine, and TUNE IN.

REtrieve Guidance.

This is THE REvolution!


Once you know better, DO BETTER.




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