The Great Sage of 2020

   Aloha Ohana,

        Be conscious of thoughts you are having.

                            Be clear about what you desire in life.

         Universal energies are working with us, bringing forth desires to fruition.

Open heart, and merge with the operate from a place of love while journeying this lifetime.

One thing I have learned is:

                        even when overwhelmed...

                              even when things don't make sense...

Being in full FLOW with source, 

                all tasks, and undertakings are possible!

All of these experiences collectively are part of the process!

REMEMBER everything you have gone through in soul body, these are our tools to flow gracefully in this lifetime.

ALIGN yourself with others that help you grow. If they are not in alignment with you, send them love, and move on. Continue to focus on what is really important in life.

I have come to learn QUALITY, INTEGRITY, ETHICS, KNOWLEDGE and SERENITY are moral treasures.

CHOOSE to perceive the peaceful side of life, and living!

With the state of our country, its political divides, the lootings, killings, riots, rage...fear...

KNOW that: there are two ways to look at virtually anything. One is violence, and the other is peace. This is the yin and yang of the universe.

KANE is one of the four most revered major Gods in Hawaii.

Life is sacred to KANE.

Kane is the WATER of life! When Kane appears, he brings a new dawn...a new day, and the ability to begin again!

To begin again, Kane suggests asking..."how does this nourish my soul?" Does it leave you refreshed and rejuvenated afterwards? This is THAT ALIGNMENT previous spoken of, letting go and sending love if not the right fit. All aspects of life are sacred, whatever you begin, it should feel effortless.

Water symbolizes regeneration, renewal, birth, evolutionary shifting from old to new!

A purification!

When water arrives, pay attention to your emotions, as it allows us to understand the ebbs and flows of events, riding the wave of opportunity when it arises. Stay with it!

We are now collectively cleansing unwanted energies, and sticky feelings.

Water sacredly is the ritual for our spirit cleansing.

Emergence from the cleanse is manifestation, and regeneration!

When I see the west coast blazing away, and massive destruction in fires, unhealthy air quality, I received a vision from spirit of a massive, collective saging. The clearing of this energy comes with the rains! Make way for the process, although painful, messy, war-like, when the smoke settles with the cleansing rain, all deep emotions, and new ways that will be worth it.

Take responsibility for the life you are living. 

Be mindful, aware of conscious feelings, be generous in spirit. DO THE RIGHT THING.

Especially vital when filled with fear, and conflicting feelings.

TO respect others, and live a conscious life, while championing, and supporting others along the way, creates a space of open heart/mind, that infuses everything it comes into contact with.

To be tolerant of others that don't align, sending them love...potentially seeing their value, embracing the difference, and allotting the space that things can change...and usually do with time.

Continue to give  freely from your heart, with no strings attached.

Be generous, and assume the best in people.

Treat others with respect and acceptance.




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