The New World:

Aloha Ohana,

We are in a new world: Who are you now?

                                     How do you spend your time?

 Time is currency, we only have so much of it. 

We get twelve months each year, how are you spending your time? 

Who are you spending your time with?

How does your energy feel when you are with them?

How you view time is based on your perspectives, your lens.

Infinite potential or shrunken and finite... it is your call.

Will you break free of cause and effect thinking?

Can you move beyond linear?

Wheels turn, in this all powerful moment.

Take back your life, change generational curses, step into the new you.

As we get out of the log jam in our minds, and into the present, we realize anything is possible!

All treasures reveal in a relaxed state of mind, to make this the "new" and only way.

CLEAR YOUR SPACE, keep it peaceful. Be protective of this, above all else.

The Hawaiian word for weaving is ULANA, which also means to "be still, calm or prophesy"

Pay close attention to the stories you hear and weave as you awaken. 

Do they help or hinder your evolution? 

REALITY is shaped through stories we tell and weave. What stories do you share with others? What kinds of stories to do feed your mind/head? Where do these stories come from? Where are you going in these stories? Are you the super-hero, or VICTIM? 

Words shape our reality.

Begin to tell yourself stories of how strong you are, how healthy you are, about how good, and powerful you are. Say it out loud! Let that power, or MANA flow thru your body!

When we tell stories that hurt ourselves, or others, it is time to rewrite the script, revise your story, to not only change your past, but to rewrite your present and future! Have a respectful story, centered in heart-centered truth. Get honest with yourself. Have a plan.


REMEMBER, you were created in perfection of divine light and love.

TRUE healing is only possible when we take RESPONSIBILITY for our own well-being on this Earth, and your self-empowerment. 

Handle matters without blame, and with integrity and grace.

This is growing up! Elevating!!!

To use voice, and set firm boundaries, that need to be honored, and birthing a new reality!

Stay in the moment, do not fall back to old patterns, stay true to who you are NOW.

Understand who you are, who you have been, and who you are becoming.

Release OLD


New ways of thinking, relating, loving and being!

New reality. New world.




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