Positive Thoughts Create A Positive Life.

 Positive thoughts create a positive life.

Only YOU........ can choose your thoughts. Choose to reshape your thinking, so that you never have to think a negative thought again.

           Set your dreams in motion!

Thru the thoughts you accept to run thru your mind.

                        Connect to self, and your feelings. 

   Once we connect to our feelings we can develop communication with our physical form, or bodies, the vessel/vehicle for our soul.

     When we are truly connected to self, we don't allow addiction, compulsion, fear, gluttony or selfishness to be our foundation. 

    "HINA" is a Hawaiian Nurturing  moon Goddess, and reminds us of cycles....like the moon! Hina's creativity springs forth from illuminating, and connecting cycles in life. Hina is healing. Hina is represented by the color grey. In order to accept the unknown, in order to discover and fulfill our true potential.

     Hina shows up when we are trying to be black and white. We all should know...the world operates in so many shades of grey...so it is not the time to focus on outcome, rather allow the grey of uncertainty, with the ebb and flow of all emotions!

                 It is OK.

Nurture self more, rest, dance, sing, create! 

In order for anything to grow: LIGHT, WATER, NUTRIENTS, NURTURING. We are like plants!

We must nurture ourselves, before we nurture others, so that we can give from a full space!

Allow yourself to BE.

Allow yourself to feel.

Allow yourself to allow yourself.

This is that grey area Hina brings forth! 

Ahhh you uncomfortable their brah?????? Get comfortable being uncomfortable!

    Find a new time and place to create in the grey: feel, be, dance, sing, work in the garden. Hawaiians sing to Hina to assure new growth.

Growing pains hurt. 

Collectively, as humans on the planet, we are growing.

Allow space, and all the feelings...allow the grey of unknown growth.

   Run all pieces of information incoming and outgoing thru your heart, the center of our truth. Stay in the FLOW of source, and balance the exchange.

As with all cycles in life, finish what you start.

Do not lose faith, its always darkest before dawn!


Appreciate what you have, and the progress you have made.

                  Review endeavors, correct mistakes.   REST.

Listen to inner heart, inner voice.

                                 Positive thoughts create a positive life.

    The mystic, and the magic  is in giving thanks, and gratitude for all that you have, and all that you have accomplished.

Review, and regroup to renew, and revitalize self.

Accept current situation as an opportunity to discover higher understandings!

Flow with courage, grace, ease...have courage, compassion and love in your heart.

Spirit shows me a snake in the form of a circle. Spirit said, "All things have a beginning, a middle, and an ending Maria, it is the natural rhythm of life, and living. Think if the seeds you planted this spring, and the plants that grew from that seed, until it produced the fruits and veggies you intended. Life is a transformation from seed to fruit, old to new...cycles...growth! It is the end of summer my dear, and the fruit is ready of harvest".

We are all ending cycles globally, and starting again. I always thought of September as the New Year... back to school, back to school shopping!!! New teachers, new classmates, new friends, new topics of study...NEWNESS!

It hurts for the snake to shed her skin. She needs to rest in this process. She feels exposed when that new pink underbelly is exposed. 

Everything is in cycles...

                                        A shift.

As we level up in awareness, mindfulness, consciousness...completions:

remember your thoughts. The only thing you can control, and should control.  

                             What we think about we become! Use that to your advantage!

*I have moved to the tropics...paradise, HAWAI'I! 

I am a pineapple: Standing tall, sweet on the inside, and wearing a crown!

              Your thoughts, your reality.




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