
Showing posts from August, 2020

Home is Where The Heart IS.

  Aloha MONDAY Ohana! What a day... What a week... Are you ready?!! YESSSSS!!!!!! I am heading home!  Yahooooo. Then my darling friend from the islands, corrected me not too long ago, saying..."respect the island, and her people, never call it home". Another friend mentioned after hearing this, "I own land there, I have lived there, wherever I am on the planet is home, respect that".      As I was sitting on the deck this morning reflecting in darkness,  fall is sneaking into the Pacific Northwest, bringing the cold in tow. Memories of being on a certain beach, watching the sun rise from the mountains up the ocean in endless bright blue, pink and yellow fractional fragments. I remember hearing the roar of the waves lapping over the loose lava and rock pebbles. The rhythmic pulling in , and splashing with pressure, as the waves break on the shore. ...crackle...crackle. I had mornings with stillness, that left an imprint, deeply mapped into ...

Create Reality With Intention

 To see it in our mind's eye, is to create IT.  Aloha Ohana, WHAT are you focusing on? IN ancient Hawaiian  tradition, "AnoAno" is the seed of intention.  Hawaiians are KNOWN for "talking story", to communicate, catch up, pass on information generation to generation. Our thoughts are our seeds that grow into reality, a seed of truth, or seeds used to manipulate to control reality? As you sow you shall reap! Be careful what you ask for, as you may get it! The seeds we plant, with our thoughts, and words do come to harvest. Stay in tuned with intentions, mindfully.  More conscious we are, we can visualize desired outcome. So let us focus on the future we desire to be fulfilled in our hearts. Allow yourself to imagine each detail, as we must see out to achieve it. Merkabah frequency supports our ability to use consciousness to traverse layers of other realities and dimensions. By doing so this is activating our Akashic inheritance. It is here we merge ...

LOVE or Fear?

 Aloha Thursday Ohana              The opposite of LOVE is FEAR. To be mindful of where your mind is positioned is essential to staying grounded, and making RATIONAL choices. With COVID19, each of us is effected, and the illusion of counting on what is next has been erased, we live in uncertainty. So to get comfortable, while uncomfortable, and allowing this to become our new normal.   Allowing this transition to occur with grace and ease is an art form. To really LET GO, and surrender to the process, so we can learn, grow, in this ever-changing existence. I typically choose LOVE. I Love, love. Everything about love frequency feels good cellularly. We all have triggers, and sensitive points...things we will fight to our death for, it is typically matters of the heart, that induce fear personally.  My doggies are my heart, and I was triggered deeply by all the negative possibilities of what could happen. This sent me down a rabbit whole o...

Wednesday HUMP-DAY, Maybe IT Is A Thing?!!

 Aloha Ohana,     IN love and partnerships in life allowing space is essential.  Allowing the unveiling aspects not immediately known, and allowing the mystery of how things fall together. Healing generational selves past, and future generational selves without casualty is a representation of doing the shadow work. Growing is accepting parts of self disowned; in seeing beyond own self.  Allowing the possibility of this interconnectedness, to the world, and partnerships in businesses, and matters of the heart.      It is here in hidden realms of human reality, we can be fully celebrated, and all matters are divinely orchestrated, and to be fully trusted . This is a partnership!     Accepting that things in life are meant to be a mystery,  that lifts to reveal beauty, wonder and joy! Sooooooooo, why not enjoy the mystery?!     The world does holds us accountable for what we create, and these choices are our freewill. Re...

The Magic In Forgiveness

 Aloha Ohana,      Their are a few sweet souls that lead us back to self, when we drift away from home for too long a time.       I missed myself, and I am glad she is back. I found security from within. Remembering my own magic!     In coming home to self, death of an old self took place. In doing such, I accept the invitation of who I will be 10,000 years from now, crafting a new destiny.                       *Cycles... be mindful of the cycles.    We have unlimited spiritual resources, and allowing these abundant gifts of growing beyond this moment, and creating possibilities and expressions profound as we can living. Believe in manifestations. Embrace your magic, and the magic in day to day experiences. Listen to the callings of the universe. Listen to the calls of your longing for soul home. Watch life transform into mystical adventures. It is here w...

The New Dawn

      Aloha Ohana!      Planetary, I believe we are all going thru massive transformations and change. A NEW PHASE OF LIFE, AND LIVING! The purge is to let go of all things that no longer serve you, and to shine bright, allowing highest purpose for Earth.  ...To allow, with grace and ease.       This new phase is not about pushing, or working for it. Those are the things that do not serve. If we are resting, and listening, everything falls into place effortless. ESPECIALLY WITH GRATITUDE.       IN this collective great purge, as we move into new spaces, a purification takes place naturally. Sometimes it is tears, to relieve pressure, small expressions of salt water, like the sea...purifying thee.  Release, and REFLECT ON DREAMS AND DESIRES:      Last night the Jaguar showed up in my slumber...this fierce protector of the Amazon bringing with her gifts of courage, stealth and certainty. She is ...


 Aloha Sunday Ohana: Their are many paths to ascension in highest purpose; listening to THAT soul calling to MOVE. To clear our energy, and surrender is empowerment. View the world, and her people...from a place of balance, compassion, and wisdom. Trust that we are all connected thru the same source. The time is NOW, to celebrate the sacred Move . "Pahu" shows up when we switch from the mundane, to things in life to that which bring us joy. In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, Pahu asks us to create a sacred ritual to celebrate what brings us joy whether making love, or mediation. She asks us to connect to true, higher purpose...of what IS really important to us. Although changes with the MOVE are not always comfortable, they are necessary to grow in soul...spiritually gaining wisdom with lessons. Knowing the vital roles we play in each others lives, CONNECTING, and fulfilling soul agreements, while releasing old karma IS PART OF THE HIGHER PURPOSE. All paths lead to spirit, so take a...

The Promise of a Blossoming Future NOW

  Aloha Saturday Ohana,       After much preparation, practice and discipline, when you are ready comes the initiation process. IN Hawaiian wisdom it is gentleness that brings forth desired.      "Lehua" is an expert who draws upon inner and outer resources to accomplish amazing feats, usually as a result of a process initiation.      It can look like proving your way in a battle, mastering a skill or art form,   such as hula or medicine. This initiation builds confidence and competence.    Spirit says, "Ignore the voices who remind you who you were, rather than who you are"!      In the cycle of life, we eventually make the transition that supports our deep understanding of ever-changing existence. SOooooo that we can surrender to the process, and let go. Allow the transition to occur with grace and ease, honoring Lehua.    We flow from initiation or initiator, so we can pay it forward, and help/t...

Silent Soft Retreat: SOUL FOOD.

 Quiet. Motionless. Stillness. PAUSE. Silence. Patience. Clarity. Peace. Standstill. Calmness. Hush. Serenity. SLOWING.               ALOHA FRIDAY OHANA!!!!! Hey... Change is here, and Change is challenging. I was reminded, "If it was easy Maria, everyone would do it".       To continue to move through hiccups, speed bumps, and detours... is to learn to observe from afar, allow, flow with grace and ease. Our resilience factor prevails.       Spirit has opened doors of the divine feminine to teach wholeheartedly lessons in support, nurturing, softer sides, vulnerability, understanding and connecting.  In a fast-paced,               rat-race society like Seattle... Filled with hostility, chaos, motion.          Being still and quiet allows this...Uncovering of false stories built up around traumatic situations, observing, letting go, allowing. To get quiet...

Clarify dreams, as to create reality.

 Aloha Thursday Ohana! YOU'RE THE BOSS.  What we visualize, and think is our reality. WE ALL have the ability to harmonize the frequency of the heart with the frequency of the mind, which lends an edge to create a reality. Detach, retreat, let that healing can occur. NO effort needed, just focus. Walking along the property, here in the country, I came across a beautiful woodpecker feather.  Woodpeckers symbolism is opportunity has come knocking, significant changes are happening in life, so to seize the moment.  the door is wide open now, and  success  is yours for taking. Continue connecting to  Mother Earth, and universal love source. Stay the coarse. The situation is being transformed, a blessing in disguise.  Massive healing/shifting on planet is occurring. In 2020, we all have to deal with our shit, healing old thought processes, and ways of being. A rebalancing is occurring, with greater clarity flowing, an outward exp...


      Aloha Wednesday Ohana,      I spent a significant part of my day working in the garden yesterday. As I was watering in the front of the house, I heard that signature Eagle noise loud and clear. Looking directly up above me; a mama bald eagle, and her two children flying the pattern. She soars in the sky, AS QUEEN, she sees the smallest detail with clarity, never losing track of the larger picture, she nests in hight mountains, hight obstacles, only opportunities. Mama Eagle, great spirit is calling her children, all children to ascend, gain that we can take a deep breath, and fly wing to wing.       Mama eagle provides courage to spread wings to soar to new heights, choosing freedom.       Mama eagle asks us to use laser like focus, and set priorities right. Eagle asks: Did you come here to climb social/financial success? Did you come here to heal your heart?  Did you come here ...

Mount Rainer Teachings with Great Spirit

    Aloha Tuesday Ohana,      We all need to decompress, in a safe place , as to restore whole, especially  before epic travels and change.      I'm staying out in the farmlands of Enumclaw, Washington. Pulled to a special holding place, to decompress, unfrazzel my dazzle... allow, heal, loved, and be, before the great journey.       The holy mountain is a place of healing, with its great powers of Gods, and Goddesses...true encounters with spirit. Here is a place to strengthen intuition, especially thru meditation. To be called back out to such a place of childhood, deep in the country, deeply rooted, with the view of greatness, with such clarity in BOX OFFICE STYLE sight.       Grounding, deeply connecting to earth, this mountain invites us on the sacred pilgrimage, where vision and perspectives will be obtained, in understanding higher purpose. The mountain becomes our alter,...

Spiritual Quest

     Aloha MONDAY OHANA! Each of us are here on a unique adventure, to learn lessons, to grow.       As of late, the impact of spiritual quest, and realizing full potential, recognizing our force in the world, and allowing the soul to lead the way to greater good.       I came here to heal the planet!     Can you remember your calling?                Can you hear spirit whispering to you?       We all have a unique journey, tailored for highest potential, to gain insight, upheaval, confusion, conflict, desire, clarity...and purpose. We gain wisdom, inner strength, personal power, enlightenment!                     I am learning to have less, and simply be.       Focus on spiritual growth, focus energy here, commit to it, to not allow distractions. More meditation, and self reflection is vital, stay ...

"Strong Minds Transcends Rules"

     Aloha Sunday Ohana!    With Covid19, I began to lose track of the days, weeks, and eventually months. This is my silly way of staying present and Earthly. Through laughter we can find resolve, lightening any situation feeling too heavy, like the dreadful: COVID19.     Their are many paths to Spirit, what gifts we bring to the journey, and our mindset determines if it is a story of sustenance, steadfastness, courage, wisdom, suffering, honor, or bliss. The Path to spirit always begins with following your heart.      Opening Crown Chakra, supports our connections to spirit, and Universe. It also gives us a  magical ability to transmute negative energy into light...SPIN THAT SHIT!      So, when we hear the calling to come home, no evading should occur, as spirit is playful...and willing to throw red flags as warnings. I have been full on evading since 2017, and the signs are surrounding and increasing...

Galactic Transformations: Path To The Soul

       Aloha Ohana,     I found a feather while walking the dogs, on the acreage. The feather reminds us to fulfill our wishes this moment is all we have. Feather reminds us that the division of spirit, and physical realm is an illusion. As we rise up, and expand our wings to fly, less can block our vision from these glorious higher altitudes. To be a conscious creator...aligning, with responsibility in co-creating our new world.      Sometimes illusions appear to be real, however, it is you who creates your reality!       In ancient Hawaiian feathers were precious gifts that symbolized decent, transformanion, sent from the Gods...linking human with Gods.     In this time of my life, I feel as though I have outgrown my small dreams of how I defined success and achievement, and I am taking on bigger dreams, beyond my wildest dreams, with possibilities beyond wildest expectations. Stepping way out of my comfort...