The New Dawn


Aloha Ohana!

     Planetary, I believe we are all going thru massive transformations and change. A NEW PHASE OF LIFE, AND LIVING! The purge is to let go of all things that no longer serve you, and to shine bright, allowing highest purpose for Earth. 

...To allow, with grace and ease. 

     This new phase is not about pushing, or working for it. Those are the things that do not serve. If we are resting, and listening, everything falls into place effortless. ESPECIALLY WITH GRATITUDE. 

     IN this collective great purge, as we move into new spaces, a purification takes place naturally. Sometimes it is tears, to relieve pressure, small expressions of salt water, like the sea...purifying thee. 


     Last night the Jaguar showed up in my slumber...this fierce protector of the Amazon bringing with her gifts of courage, stealth and certainty. She is the master of shadows, and is never prey. While moving gracefully and at ease, moving between night and day almost invisible. She was calling me to move beyond confined illusionary walls built, she whispered to me, "BE FEARLESS, PUSH YOUR LIMITS, VENTURE TO KNOW UNEXPLORED PLACES, NO BOUNDARIES...YOUR INSTINCTS WILL SERVE YOU".

     From here, I was walking a staircase to the upper world. I was surrounding in complete universal love source, where ancients ones, divine helpers, Gods and Godddesses, luminous people... surrounded, and encompassed me. I began downloading information as to highest purpose; who my future self will become! My undreamt possibilities and potentials, directing me to soul calling, full realized self.

   I hear spirit, "what you perceive as challenges, or obstacles sweet Maria, is your initiation!!! Take a great LEAP of faith, we are all backing you while your destiny is taking place, and the new destination is available to you now".

    Spirit says, "Maria, do not question your abilities, or purpose. YOU ARE A GIFTED HEALER. You are on the right path. Set intentions, and follow thru...utilize your gifts to full capacity, and trust the gifts you have been given. Your own body is now healing, and will continue to do so, as you listen to your calling, and serving others on Earth. The energy of health, and restoration surrounds you boundlessly, trust the gifts, trust the process my dear".

     Call on Earth energy to reveal more Ethereal and Spiritual aspects of nature. This beautiful inner light will continue to raise the frequency of spiritual awareness and understanding for all human-kind.  LOVE is our soul purpose. FEAR IS OPPOSITE OF LOVE. THESE WILL BE THE TWO CHOICES> EVERYTHING IS IN THE MATRIX OF YOUR MIND. All guides are assisting in this awakening, and pouring support in human form, like NEW FRIENDSHIPS, new connections. These are occurring, by no mistake. We are calling on all who are knowledgeable to offer support on this great journey. To know your heart, to listen to your heart, to follow your heart, is safest place in the world, you are safe and protected.

     In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, "TI"  is purification and protection. Ti asks us to take all faults, and throw them into the great ocean. Hawaiian protection rituals use salt water, same substance as tears! Purifiaction is needed when negative influences block progress. TI says protection and purification are inseparable, and are further exemplified thru "KALA", to loosen or untie, unburden, free, release, remove, let go, forgive! 

The more you let go, the more protected you become.

Spirit says, "TI is protecting and purifying your journey. You are safe".

     Spirit says, "Maria you have a strong connection, and communication ability with the teachings of the divine, you are receiving guidance, and messages from other dimensions of existence. One of your gifts is the ability to share these gifts! Continue to fine tune these gifts, and follow guidance you receive. Use discernment when viewing the world, and her people. Stay connected, balanced, and detached, yet compassionate, sharing wisdom."

     All endings mean new beginnings. We are ALL receiving downloads, and the freedom to choose what we will pursue next. This will involve  a new view of the world, a new path! Rest and reflect, allow. Grant yourself grace in all ways, always.

Instincts will lead you to right people, and right situations.


Throw caution to the wind. 

Stay connected, REST, everything else will happen naturally.

Stay focused on blessings, and watch them multiply.




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