Spiritual Quest

     Aloha MONDAY OHANA!

Each of us are here on a unique adventure, to learn lessons, to grow. 

     As of late, the impact of spiritual quest, and realizing full potential, recognizing our force in the world, and allowing the soul to lead the way to greater good.  

    I came here to heal the planet!

    Can you remember your calling?

               Can you hear spirit whispering to you?

      We all have a unique journey, tailored for highest potential, to gain insight, upheaval, confusion, conflict, desire, clarity...and purpose. We gain wisdom, inner strength, personal power, enlightenment!

                    I am learning to have less, and simply be. 

     Focus on spiritual growth, focus energy here, commit to it, to not allow distractions. More meditation, and self reflection is vital, stay calm, and relaxed through all chaos.


Spirit says, "the timing is perfect, act on inspirations, the doors are wide open, and we will walk thru them, by your side simultaneously. Everything you need is on your side, supporting positive outcome. Accept everything is moving in right direction, remember to ask guides for support".

                                    Spirit is here to aid us!

    We are in the midst of summer, embodying the riches of harvest...

   The SOLAR PLEXUS chakra in a bright yellow light supports our sense of self, and personal power, our willpower, as well as knowing who we are, and what our contribution to the world/planet. Breathe in a beautiful yellow citrine gemstone light into the Phyical body while meditating, connect to frequency...a bright sunflower of life...in full bloom total delight!

    IN ancient Hawaiian tradition, LONO&KAMAPUA'A appear. The harvest God, LONO, of playing games, and making love! Playfullness of spirit, a sure way to surround self in peace...sharing the harvest after we have cared for them, helping us complete cycles/projects..reminding us of our abundance for efforts.

     The PIG GOD, KAMAPUA'A are harvest and fertility, a feeling of uprooted...chaotic, meaning a breakthrough is on the horizon. Reminding us to not take self so serious, instead give self proper nutrients and HYDRATION, as we nurture projects to their fruition.

     It is here, beautiful clarity begins, and Phyical and emotional detoxification extract. As the body runs more energy...old emotional issues can then be released, cleansed...completed!

Deeper understanding, more joy and contentment, and purpose on Earth. Renewal in all ways, always.

     A rebirth, to a place of quiet retreat, and rest is provided, a wondrous opportunity to nourish HEART, mind, soul. Sweet Universal Mother, has taken me into womb in preparation to rebirth anew! Here I have been reevaluating life, relationships, dwellings, self-worth. This quiet solitude, and taking time away to reflect, I notice things simply fall away that no longer serve, and how easily things change in this process. It feels as if everything is as it should be.

    As we enter this partnership with spirit, this sacred commitment we have made in this lifetime...know that each step moving forward, is a partnership, co-creating highest good for all. To honor and respect great spirit, with great reverence. Allow for the value to show up in harvest.

And in honoring my connecting, my co-creation with spirit...the greatness in self, and greatness in this universe...founded in LOVE.

Allow the harvest of highest purpose flow frequently. 

REMEMBER and Listen to the call of the journey.

In Shamanic lore, the finest treasures of humanity are hidden where most are afraid to travel. Heed the gentle voice that calls to test new wings.

Say yes to adventures!

Say Yes to new destinations!

Embark on the epic quest, trust the calling you hear ever so softly.

Just then Spirit plays a song on high volume, "Take me home, country roads"

... to a place I belong...

Ahhhh yessssss, 


Much aloha,



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