Aloha Sunday Ohana:

Their are many paths to ascension in highest purpose; listening to THAT soul calling to MOVE.

To clear our energy, and surrender is empowerment.

View the world, and her people...from a place of balance, compassion, and wisdom. Trust that we are all connected thru the same source.

The time is NOW, to celebrate the sacred Move .

"Pahu" shows up when we switch from the mundane, to things in life to that which bring us joy. In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, Pahu asks us to create a sacred ritual to celebrate what brings us joy whether making love, or mediation. She asks us to connect to true, higher purpose...of what IS really important to us.

Although changes with the MOVE are not always comfortable, they are necessary to grow in soul...spiritually gaining wisdom with lessons. Knowing the vital roles we play in each others lives, CONNECTING, and fulfilling soul agreements, while releasing old karma IS PART OF THE HIGHER PURPOSE.

All paths lead to spirit, so take a big bold step. Leap! Sail...

Run...FLY if you have too.

Don't miss the moment of reaching your destination.

Heaven and Earth are conspiring on your behalf, supporting this move. 

Venture until destination is reached. Even if you don't have all the details, trust the path that takes you there. MOVE thru fears to bring on change. MOVE into a positive place of freedom. Embrace new opportunity with the major shift outta your comfort zone.

Keep energy aligned with higher purpose. Take care of vessel.

Live a life of greater CALM.



Rest and recover after the many challenges, and various lessons that recently come your way. Stablize energy, replinsh, and regain composure. Recognize all that has been accomplished, and all that you have gone through.

REST helps restart anew. No matter how big the task, recovery is always needed to heal the body, and reset mind back to positive.

Surrendering to the challenges of life, and taking Time for yourself, until you know you are ready to MOVE.

 A break, is needed to clear head, spirit, and body. HEAL.

Allow yourself to embrace all that life has to offer.

Then be prepared to MOVE.




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