LOVE or Fear?

 Aloha Thursday Ohana

            The opposite of LOVE is FEAR.

To be mindful of where your mind is positioned is essential to staying grounded, and making RATIONAL choices. With COVID19, each of us is effected, and the illusion of counting on what is next has been erased, we live in uncertainty. So to get comfortable, while uncomfortable, and allowing this to become our new normal.   Allowing this transition to occur with grace and ease is an art form. To really LET GO, and surrender to the process, so we can learn, grow, in this ever-changing existence.

I typically choose LOVE. I Love, love. Everything about love frequency feels good cellularly.

We all have triggers, and sensitive points...things we will fight to our death for, it is typically matters of the heart, that induce fear personally. 

My doggies are my heart, and I was triggered deeply by all the negative possibilities of what could happen. This sent me down a rabbit whole of fear, and I began to unravel, just a tiny at the thought of a total loss of them. This was fear. It tossed me off balance, and caused yucky feelings inside my blood that did not feel good.

Lucky for me, I have some AAAAAHHHHHHHHMAZING women in my life that I call sister-friends. Bless each of their hearts, for pouring love back into my vessel, easing these fears. Why think about worse case senecio, when everything in my life has worked out thus far, I have lived thru each challenge, and not only did I survive, I continue to move onward...thriving in new environments for heart centered lessons in life.

To address our hearts with protection of a mommy, and allowing our own inner child to express emotions freely is part of living. It is all ok . It is going to be ok, in fact, I see a positive outlook! As how we feel, depends on our own mental attitude, even working thru the triggers.

The circumstances are neutral, even Covid19. It is how we approach the situation, that determines the outcome. If it is depressing in your mind, it is depressing. Just as I held fear in my mind with the doggies, it was fearful.

Now, when my sister-friends pulled me back to reality, a safe place filled with LOVE.  I knew we were all safe, I knew that place I went in my mind was not rational, even though I had made it such for a few hours. Our mind determines how our day will go, and has a powerful influence over our bodies, friendships, health, spirituality, finances....


 from this emotional well-being influencer EVERYDAY!


This is why it is so essential to make sure people are on your team, and have your back, and that they are operating from high vibrational love source energy most of the time too. We all have to be present for our buddies, as this is a cycle we all share in lifting each other up, when triggered, as to re-direct/re-boot. As to take positive action back to joy, love, heart center. We are all divine beings, here to give and receive love. We are all worthy of love. Love is good.

Love is all we need.

To love others is to love self, as we are all connected.

Love symbolizes PEACE.

As a planet, and our EARTH, we are all in need of healing, and LOVE, and peace.

I began laughing last night before bed, when I reflected on said day. What a powerful change occurred today! Healing of thought processes, old patterns, and ways of being. 

I thanked spirit for this greater clarity in dealing with life experiences consciously, as it obviously rebalanced me physically and mentally, where I eventually  became this outward expression of my truest state of being...LOVE.

Pure energy. Connected to source.

Whatever we say, think, feel..... has a direct effect on the planet, and her peoples.

EACH of us makes a  difference in the world.

The reminder here is to use your energy wisely, as to WHAT we are putting OUT THERE.

LOVE or fear?!

Each carries its own vibration/frequency.

Keep intentions set on highest good and positive, as to uplift those around you.

Manifest outcomes.

In ancient Hawaiian tradition "Maui" was a trickster! Part man, part villain, part God, part hero. His accomplishments were great, his means were playful. Maui was always on the move, taking on new challenges...appearing reckless, but always going in with a plan. Heroes and warriors become heroes through PLAY, so to not take self so seriously, include laughter. 

Heroes and warriors do not let fearful details interfere with their plans.

Maui teaches that one day, death will come for each of us. Maui exploits adventures because THIS IS LIVING. Maui reminds us that tricks, pranks... energetically happen when things get too serious, and need to be shaken up. Maui says, Go PLAY!

Our inner child know her way to PLAY...JOY...HAPPINESS.   May we turn to our inner child daily checking in with her. Where are you my dear? Playing in a field of love?

Set yourself free from conditioning and suffering.

Get your shit unfettered bitches...

Grannnies pull yo panties out of that bunch!

To recover sense of PLAY, while at a heart centered, LOVE frequency is the synergy needed in allowing dreams to bloom.

Co-create a new reality thru our hearts, center of our truths, so that we may stay in the FLOW of source, and balance the exchange.

Be Mindful.

Be Loving.

Be Kind.

You have this! and the ancient ones, divine beings, luminous one all have your back.




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