The Magic In Forgiveness

 Aloha Ohana,

     Their are a few sweet souls that lead us back to self, when we drift away from home for too long a time. 

     I missed myself, and I am glad she is back. I found security from within. Remembering my own magic!

    In coming home to self, death of an old self took place. In doing such, I accept the invitation of who I will be 10,000 years from now, crafting a new destiny.

                      *Cycles... be mindful of the cycles.

   We have unlimited spiritual resources, and allowing these abundant gifts of growing beyond this moment, and creating possibilities and expressions profound as we can living. Believe in manifestations. Embrace your magic, and the magic in day to day experiences. Listen to the callings of the universe. Listen to the calls of your longing for soul home. Watch life transform into mystical adventures. It is here we learn the art of forgiveness, and the need to practice the art form often.

    The invitation here is to be more open, more courageous, more joyful...than we were before. In this space, we can create, or manifest a grander expression of ourselves to bring forth into fruition of something tangible.

     In ancient Hawaiian wisdoms, "Ho'oponopono" requires open, honest, nonjudgmental communication. Where expressing feelings, making amends is in order to forgive to really restore harmony, and balance to any situation.  To release tension, guilt, grudges from past endeavors, to let go, and not to speak of again as to invoke calm, REST.

        It is here, which encourages self-inquiry; in actions, motives and feelings. Here the universe can operate in a harmonious relationship. Here in forgiving ourselves, we can forgive others, and move on

       Letting go of FEAR, resentment, anger and rage can lead to a place of greater healing.

     Uncovering the layers, made to protect, fend self.... which in essence, blocked us, from having all of our heart's desires. 

                     In forgiving, we find a key back to self.    

       Forgiveness is a gentleness that truly heals and unlocks the heart. Forgiveness is good for our health. Forgiveness is a key to health, and a key in creating a life of prosperity, quality, prestige, sophistication, value and elegance...and achievement of belonging thru determination, feeling secure in our being. 

     Free yourself of fear, trauma and blockages, move through these to learn lessons at hand, grow self.FORGIVE.

         Fear keeps us lost, insecure, loss of energy....heaviness....anxiety. (insert current affairs: be MINDFUL)

     We create stability and inner strength with love, and compassion for self, and extended to others. We are all connected here on Earth.


Remain positive, and open to possibilities. Forgive, Remember your MAGIC!

We all deserve to feel good about our existence, living in harmony.

Radiate warmth, because what we believe we bring forth in outcomes.

We are deserving of love, and to feel good about the life we live.


Make things right.

Begin with forgiveness of self, and extend that outwardly.Butterfly effect!

We have magic in forgiveness, uncover more of life's true treasures.


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