Aloha Wednesday Ohana,

     I spent a significant part of my day working in the garden yesterday. As I was watering in the front of the house, I heard that signature Eagle noise loud and clear. Looking directly up above me; a mama bald eagle, and her two children flying the pattern. She soars in the sky, AS QUEEN, she sees the smallest detail with clarity, never losing track of the larger picture, she nests in hight mountains, hight trees...no obstacles, only opportunities. Mama Eagle, great spirit is calling her children, all children to ascend, gain perspective...so that we can take a deep breath, and fly wing to wing. 

     Mama eagle provides courage to spread wings to soar to new heights, choosing freedom. 

    Mama eagle asks us to use laser like focus, and set priorities right.

Eagle asks: Did you come here to climb social/financial success?

Did you come here to heal your heart? 

Did you come here to become a better person? 

Did you come here to realize your essential self?

Did you come here to heal the planet, and its people?

What is your divine mission here on Earth?

As Mama Eagle screeches to all children, 



    As I look back to the Earth from mama eagle, I see a rainbow created, thru the watering hose, and sunshine! I think of the seven chakras, and healing, and the rainbow bridge connecting heaven and Earth. I think of the journey of afterlife crossing over from physical to spiritual, and connecting with all the love in highest heavenly realms; and this is a sign that I am right with spirit. I see Molly Sunshine, my Black standard poodle, my best friend, my heart, a bread reminder we are not that far apart: spirit and Physical.

     I can hear spirit say, "The end of the storm is near, my dear...Do not give up hope, things are about to take a positive turn...do not claim victory, before it is yours, and do not let your guard down. Your inner compass KNOWS the KEY to true happiness".

      The great eagle gifts safety, and INTUITION, deep insight, an inner knowing...this glorious third eye opening. The more the third eye chakra is cleared, the more messages, and insight pours through from the divine...tune in and following clearly to see the way! A PURPLE RAINING HIGHWAY.

     As the third eye is in balance, we are self-actualized, realized....gaining the ability to live in harmony with expanded true self and the people we commingle, and interact with.

     Great spirit reminds me, to share knowledge with others, share the gifts, give them away... more will follow. This is how we make lasting contributions, and raise collective consciousness of humans. WE ALL MUST SHARE OUR GIFTS FREELY.

     In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, "MANA" is empowerment, and blossoms slowly. Mana is an energy that flows through all of life. Like Mana, our personal power is developed thru time, patience. Empowered individuals make things happen, magically WHEN THEY ARE IN HARMONY WITH THEIR MANA!

     Increasing mana can be gained by breathing, meditation, taking care of our body/vessel, resting, slowing down. Breathing mediation leads to slowing down the mind, when the mind is calm, we are able to perceive thoughts/actions...with self and others are effected and experienced. Let the glow of purple inter and pass thru third eye chakra, a porthole of light.

     With breathing mediation comes calmness in body, which keeps vision clear.

     Great spirit, soaring eagle chimes in...you are in harmony with the Universe...through breath, opening self up to MANA, empowering, enchanting...flowing radiating, so we can Go and GLOW GIRL!

Stay in your own skin, see only LOVE.

    BE like the great Eagle mama, look past errors, and mistakes and misunderstandings of others, and own self, see only love within, and each other.

     If we FOCUS on LOVE as intention, and as foundation to every situation, this brings healing...in UNDREAMED of ways! This healing supports our frequency to restore to wholeness, harmonizing everything accordingly.

Respect self enough, to honor needs, taking care of vessel.

      Continue to harmonize the layers and aspects of frequency...bringing together many elements of reality, to creation.

     Being in the country, working with the land, Listening to the Earth, slowing down, resting, and reconnecting with children, has helped me to remember that life needs to be filled with PLAY...and all things can be done with ease and exuberant joy! It is our finesse to do it with grace.

     Call on great spirit of mama eagle, the universe, ancestors, divine beings, angels, guides....they all are waiting to conspire on your behalf, and connect thru a spiritual realm. This lifetime is our playground.

Remember your wings...

We can soar, we are here to do so. 

   The time is now. Let the purple reign.




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