"Strong Minds Transcends Rules"

     Aloha Sunday Ohana!

   With Covid19, I began to lose track of the days, weeks, and eventually months. This is my silly way of staying present and Earthly. Through laughter we can find resolve, lightening any situation feeling too heavy, like the dreadful: COVID19.

    Their are many paths to Spirit, what gifts we bring to the journey, and our mindset determines if it is a story of sustenance, steadfastness, courage, wisdom, suffering, honor, or bliss.

The Path to spirit always begins with following your heart.

     Opening Crown Chakra, supports our connections to spirit, and Universe. It also gives us a  magical ability to transmute negative energy into light...SPIN THAT SHIT!

     So, when we hear the calling to come home, no evading should occur, as spirit is playful...and willing to throw red flags as warnings. I have been full on evading since 2017, and the signs are surrounding and increasing in volume!

     Spirits says we are in a massive transition, independently...and as a planet/world as a whole. Spirit is encouraging a call to action; the time is now to take a BOLD LEAP OF FAITH. Be ready to fly into the uncharted, as we blaze a new path. 

   Many of us, have outgrown current situations, and it may feel like you have lost your own way...in your own back yard. Spirit suggests listening, and responding while a gentle whisper, and to not allow the volume to increase with red flags. Spirit says, although the destination looks impossible, know when you call on guidance everything is possible, and you will reach your destination. Even if you feel lost, spirit will lead you to where you are supposed to be, through all challenges presented, with ease.

    This frequency of transitioning supports our understanding of our ever evolving nature of existence; that our lives make up, so we can:

 LEARN to LET GO... YES!!!!




...and to do so, from a place of grace and ease.

By following our hearts, doing what we love, we find joy.

    Spirit says, "Have confidence moving forward, confidence in me is enough. God is working thru you, and with you in all ways, always. Lean upon us, if your confidence wavers, we have your back".

     Do not waiver back and forth, nor be swayed by what others think or perceive. Continue to FOCUS on your purpose, you are receiving guidance that this is the time to dig in, remain focused, committed, and on track. Do not give up, change will show up soon, and the situation will be transformed.

    Spirit want us to enjoy the nourishment life provides for us in abundance! We have more than enough. Feel supported to feed your desires treats of delight. In taking note of all the friendships, relationships and love surrounding you at this time. 

     Sustenance for the soul is LEARNING, growing, journeying, and changing! And when listening to your inner dreams, hopes, wishes...HEART; on occasion, it means acting in ways contrary to what other's believe is right, or what they expected from you. Here is where gossip begins.

      In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, MO'O are spirits that take forms of LIZZARDS. MO'O are most feared, and dangerous of evil monstrous spirits. Because of this, Hawaiians  are highly respectful of geckos, cautioning from bothering them, going as far as leaving sweet jam out as offerings.

 Spirit reminds us to respect all beings. 

   MO'O reveals fears, so  overcome fears... by focusing on issues that need addressing, as to find resolve within self. Fears can be monsters, like lizards, that consume vision. These monsters can be others opinions of your journey, saying things like, "IT is impossible".  THAT FUCKING MIRROR, reveals more of the lens of the beholder, than the truth in reality. In gossiping about others, Hawaiians believe in the power of words, and that they can hold curses on self, and others. 

     In this way to only speak kind words, as to have blessings bestowed on self, and others, and respecting the monster blizzard gecko! Spirit reminds us in that talking about others, GOSSIP, can keep you from making progress on your journey, and debilitating fears can block progress altogether, being disguised as real. Do not allow this illusion to defeat or block your path. By journeying within, we can examine our fears. This enhances our possibility of transcending any obstacles those illusions of path blocking. 

In the words of Prince, 

"Strong minds transcends rules".

    Embrace your fears, transmute that shit into magic! Let your lens be LOVE and LIGHT.

   This is your calling from the Universe to return to your child-like wonder, that anything can happen! The ordinary will now take on a mystical, and adventures await. Pack your bags, you badass bitches!

     Awaken that inner light, level up in new ways of spiritually connecting, openness and awareness. 

     Spirit guides are ready and waiting to teach new things, assisting us on our journey, aiding us in the world for our planet. Support is coming in human form as well, to assistant in this great awakening.

Our inner light is knowing our heart.

Enjoy the experience, and stay connected to spirit and heart, the rest will naturally occur.




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