Wednesday HUMP-DAY, Maybe IT Is A Thing?!!

 Aloha Ohana,

    IN love and partnerships in life allowing space is essential.

 Allowing the unveiling aspects not immediately known, and allowing the mystery of how things fall together.

Healing generational selves past, and future generational selves without casualty is a representation of doing the shadow work. Growing is accepting parts of self disowned; in seeing beyond own self.  Allowing the possibility of this interconnectedness, to the world, and partnerships in businesses, and matters of the heart.

     It is here in hidden realms of human reality, we can be fully celebrated, and all matters are divinely orchestrated, and to be fully trusted. This is a partnership!

    Accepting that things in life are meant to be a mystery, 

that lifts to reveal beauty, wonder and joy! Sooooooooo, why not enjoy the mystery?! 

   The world does holds us accountable for what we create, and these choices are our freewill. Remembering the interconnectedness. SEE thru the lens of "anything is possible".

Spirit says, "Get ready for KEY changes in your external and internal worlds".

As we end cycles, we finally acknowledge the illusion of separation of others, we develop deeper perspectives, growing wiser, stronger, and eventually...more composed. 


      We create something new! When we are HONEST with ourselves, and what we truly desire.

    As we reach for these lofty goals, we become more passionate about living LIFE. We are grounded ,and secure in self! 


This strength, and security lies within self; and is a direct result of the relationship to Universe, begin developing new perspectives. 

    The challenges along the way allow spiritual growth, and enlightenment. When we are honest, we bring about positive changes, be ready to reveal your truth to those around you, and step out of the shadows.

    Beyond moving to Hawaii, I am opening my heart up to the possibility that real love exists in humans, I am deserving of this love, and I am finally open to receiving love, not just giving it away.  In companion's love, we must be open to the passion, and union of mystery...The UNKNOWNS. 

     HERE is an important lesson in creating trust, allowing self to be seen, be vulnerable. 

   Although their are many types of love, and levels of love, I am speaking of inner most intimacy, THAT deep connection beyond penetration...where an energy beyond playful orgasmic explosions, flow effortless and infinite...



Embrace the inner path to the heart.

Embrace there magic of allowing the experiences, that anything can happen!

EXPECT the unexpected.

     As I see it, this magic unfolds, many wonderful surprises are coming forth, and in doing so... transforming ordinary to mystical, adventures in the most unexpected capacities!

    Stay in the moment, be mindful....allow all to resolve easily. See the magic, stay present in heart center, where your WILL... and the divine are merging. Operate from a place of love, trusting each step, even when not understanding the whole view; because life is a mystery adventure. Choose your ending. Which page will you flip too? Will you stick with it, or try another ending? Only you know.

   The more we heal ourselves, it not only restores our health and wholeness; it also harmonizes everything according to highest good.

     In ancient Hawaiian wisdom, "TAPA" represents union, and  the truest friendships are based on love. Tapa is a fabric to make clothing, and linens, also used in marriage and burial ceremonies. 

   Tapa symbolizes giving a name to that partnership and union. This way we know what it is, and what it is not. 

    By changing old patterns, 

                      and identifying problems, 

and communicating this,

 we can create the kinds of relationships we really want and desire...THAT union of ecstasy!





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