Galactic Transformations: Path To The Soul

      Aloha Ohana,

    I found a feather while walking the dogs, on the acreage. The feather reminds us to fulfill our wishes this moment is all we have. Feather reminds us that the division of spirit, and physical realm is an illusion. As we rise up, and expand our wings to fly, less can block our vision from these glorious higher altitudes. To be a conscious creator...aligning, with responsibility in co-creating our new world.

     Sometimes illusions appear to be real, however, it is you who creates your reality!

      In ancient Hawaiian feathers were precious gifts that symbolized decent, transformanion, sent from the Gods...linking human with Gods.

    In this time of my life, I feel as though I have outgrown my small dreams of how I defined success and achievement, and I am taking on bigger dreams, beyond my wildest dreams, with possibilities beyond wildest expectations. Stepping way out of my comfort zone. I am letting go of the illusions I accepted as reality. COvid-19 has had impact on each of us, unveiling what is really vital to life, and LIVING.

                   "HULU" is the word for  illusions in Hawaii.

    As we fly above the veil of illusions, allow yourself to listen to the calls the birds behold; of newfound possibilities surrounding you. As we see the world from heightened perspectives, our ability to shape-shift life can soar to unlimited possibilities!

     In my own journey, as I connect to source, and get grounded and clear, I connect to a deeper sense of self-worth, realizing, remembering my inherent gifts, talents, skills.  Spirit asks us to believe in ourselves, and our value. Spirit reminds me that guidance is about learning the art of communicating with our soul; while we discover, and manifest our purpose. Spirit asks us to be mindful, and aware and attentive. Synchronicities are likely now, and it is welcomed to rely on intuition, and inner knowing, where life take's on magical qualities, creating awareness, and spirituality. As we believe in ourselves, and others...we discover a deeper meaning to our existence. 

             Embrace the unfamiliar, and grow...learn. 

   As I am moving/transforming/shifting, internally and externally...I reconnect mindfully to recognize I am a lifelong learner. Spirit reminded me that when I am fully relaxed, is when I manifest the best! To maintain this harmony, calm, is essential in magic!

    So to deal with issues as they arise, maintain compassion in heart, be nurturing to self, and others, while creating a life of balance and calm.


   As we are calm, serene... our imagination unfolds, and simple solutions unveil, with minimal fuss.

Embrace life: The lessons, the love, the magnificence.

   To mindfully create health, look at your actions, thoughts and feelings. Like the tree of life, let your roots be deep to weather any storm, let your branches be aligned with your heart's desires...reaching for your highest dreams. 

     NOTE: Sometimes the nutrients needed in the soil to grow, is awakening the dreams we tucked away, and bring them into full sunlight. To create a mindful destiny, one must reflect on self to see thru the illusions, to what really is. This is how we blossom, and product fruit. Start doing what will be good for you today.

    This deeper awakening, is begging us to rise to the call, utilizing all of our gifts we possess to empower others, demonstrating our strong leadership abilities, to create solutions, and sharing these gifts with the world.

    Collectively, our consciousness can be used to draw from, or to add too, while making positive contributions to the world/Earth. Share knowledge with others, we are creating the foundations of lasting impressions for the next seven generations to come.  You have so much wisdom inside of you, share it. We are in a time of rising collect consciousness of human kind. 

Do so in the frequency of LOVE. 

With LOVE we are safe, we are whole, we are complete.

Collect your feathers...share your gifts...BE LOVE...Allow yourself to let go in the inter-galactic adventures unveiling in front of you.




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