Heal Traumas, Love Yourself.

When we heal trauma, we heal the nervous system. When we heal the nervous system we heal the emotional body. When we heal the emotional body, we heal the psychic, or empathetic body. When we heal the psychic body, we heal vibration. Once the vibration is healed, realities change![;;l

We must be brave enough to start over. Have courage to chase after dreams! Start over and LOVE yourself the way you were always meant to.

It is time!
FEEL the vibes right now.
Align with truest self.
Let the things, people, relationships, material items that no longer serves you fall away, let go.
Shake things up!
Rebuild a foundation, that serves your truth, your calling, your purpose.
TUNE into you.
Be with your body.
Be aware of the signals your body sends you.

Take separations and change it into oneness.
Longing changes to attraction.
Control changes to faith.
Low self esteem changes to courage, and faith in oneself.
Blaming changes to embracing.
Projecting changes into LOVING oneself.
Living in the past, or playing the victim role, now changes into grounded in the NOW>
Your LACK has changed into abundance.
Our pains now can change into happiness.
Our fears now change into trust.
Lack of sexual intimacy can be changed into passion of sexual pleasures.

Locate your pain.
Feel it.
What does it say when you listen?

...Maybe its time to get grounded. Time to get honest with finances,  household, relationships, and career.
...Examine your emotions you are bottling up, and holding onto. Look into ways you can be more creative, and allow self expression. Or connect with sensual pleasures.
...Stop playing your past over and over, it is  behind you.
...Are you giving your power away?
What griefs and sadness are you holding onto?
Can you forgive yourself? Can you forgive others?
...Be more compassionate on communicating. Don't hold back your truths, let them be heard.
...What burdens are you carrying with you? Can you let go of what is stressing you? CAN you ask for help?
...What are you refusing to see?
...Overthinking? over analyzing? Overly critical?
Surrender and choose to trust your intuition.

Shifts are happening. From where is your body speaking?
Let your body be your compass.
We are being called home in this moment.
What may look like turbulence, is really things falling apart, so that we can start anew again, rebuilding a foundation, where we tune into our own vibrations.
Gather the wisdoms from the past lessons, and actions, then let go of the pain that the lesson cost you.
If there is no pain, then there is no healing. If there is no healing, then there is no learning.
Only in our pain, can we find our will. Only in our chaos, can we learn to become still. Only in our fears, can we locate our might.
and only in our darkness, can we find our light!
The time is now to unlearn the things, we learned from wounded people.
Our diet is not only what we eat.
It is what we watch, listen to, read, the people we hang around.
Be mindful of these things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Heal your traumas, this is your own responsibility as an adult. This is how we heal, and take our power back.
Unplug from the matrix. Reflect on what no longer serves you. Identify it. And let it go!
Feel it, bless it, release it!
Find self love. Dig deep, you may have to isolate, and ache, and be lonely. You heal. You accept, you look in the mirror, and see God.
Create the life you love, and desire. Learn to love yourself, more and more.
Give yourself permission.Attract what you want into your life.
Begin with booking an energy session with me!  We can balance your chakras, aligning your energetic systems. Allowing a  state of calm, where healing can take place effortlessly.
book self-love self care with Maria Toro!


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