Shamanic Healing Offered at LeGuerisseur, Mercer Island.

While sitting in meditation, I was flooded with healing information to download, and share to facilitate, not only my personal human experience in healing, then to those who are in search, looking for healers. So much was coming in at one time, and today I will share a slice with you of this experience. Purification entered, and along came Archangel Michael. We traveled to my inner child, past wounds, scars, and pains of especially emotional, mental and spiritual realms. (To share all these specifics would take us off track, and too long of a story for todays point). I will say, I picked a tuff entrance into life, with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck during birth, and I was dark purple from lack of oxygen, I had also Soiled in utero, staying in a month too long. That was only the beginning, the parents, & family I picked had darkness of generations past, needed healing, and I was shamed, teased, tortured for my gifts along the way. By my strong will alone, I survived a childhood I wouldn't give to a rivaling enemy. And I had to leave for my own freedom, healing myself has been the journey along the way. I seek higher vibrations for safety, sanity, and my continued abilities to heal the world, in ways my guides wish to be. Gratitude daily, for everything. Violet rays entered, with Archangel Zadkeil, royal purple amethyst, dancing in a rhythmic magical breathe work to disburse the shadows. Take a look at the quality and relationships between spirit and matter...CArry with you LOVE, your purpose you were born as...LOVE. Show mercy, compassion, & facilitate spiritual transformation, and freedom with healings. Dissolve inner illusions/shadows, the stories that no longer serve; hand over problems, all negatives transmuted into positive things!!! Archangel Zadkeil offered forgiveness and tolerance in my heart, resolved the deep pains, bitterness, anger, rage, hatred handed over to me from curses generations past. A deeper LOVE, and devotion intoxicates my DNA, purification begins. AWAKEN: mercy, passions, & devotion, released from chains of wrong thinking, crossed wires installed by others. SELF TANSFORMATION> by healing the emotional, and physical, it improves all relationships. Grow spiritually, and let that spiritual LIGHT wipe out past mistakes with its highest visible frequency. CHANGE VIBRATION; a transmutation, symbolic of a higher, and more noble alchemy - the alchemy of self-transformation. Another gift bestowed to me. DO not seek physical wealth, but spiritual message from the start. The work is in transforming the physical self into more spiritual beings, by becoming more loving, wise and compassionate... transforming into courage, peace, love. Balance. And Thus, the alchemist would become "like the gods" pursuing "the gold of the wise and not the vulgar metal". Our transmutation process which is not to be focused on the gold, but a GOLDEN spiritual process, which raises the soul into a state of unity with the Divine to fulfill the souls purpose. I need to learn to communicate, as I cannot keep everything so tightly locked up...the births entrance, cut at my 5th Chakra, the throat chakra. If I cannot use my words verbally, I must share them in written form, it must come out. I AM the purity God desires. Blue Rays entered!!!!! Ascended masters around me manifesting JOY!!!!! All Joyous dreams will now become my reality. My job is to stay positive, self care, me time, baths, exercising the physical body in stretching, cardio and resistance training. Mediations, massages, Walking with the gift of a dog in nature, not over scheduling my life, turning down the volume on the noise of life, not intoxicating myself to dumb down, or quiet the messages from the guides, continue reading books to further my spiritual path that invokes healing in others, Breathing deeply, and with intention...HIGHER awareness. Transforms. I use alchemy to transmute lower energies. As an ultra sensitive, mystical starboard healer, healing genetic damage from family to light. From the star of Sirius journeying a sacred path, with sources of substance, guidance and light. Stepping up to the plate, it is my stewardship to share the light, knowing the encoding now, with the great purification, awakening the goddess within, feminine divine! I must take quantum leaps of consciousness NOW, and through the galactic getaways, and celestial energies, with my star essence...become what I was created to be by light of grace.My inner goddess is present. A powerhouse of angels to assist. Archangel Michael nearby, with his energy to change. Archangel Raphael nearby, HEALING ENERGY, christ energies, as ascended masters with higher realms available bringing esoteric into accessible. New frequencies carry in, past cycles have been completed. GRATITUDE. Connecting to star family, archangels, thru sacred holy light grids, equipped with WINGS to fly with stealthy 3rd eye activation! AWAKENED innate divine powers of inner God, all sounds of peace. The higher realms are flooding in thru my doorway, and I'm enjoying the journey to a newage of feminine lightness. All of life stands true. Stay balanced. REMEMBER:I am capable of manifesting miracles, new opportunities, significant auspicious gifts from above will be rewards that I am on the right path. Keep the daily momentum of self care, medications, self love, connecting to ascended masters, call for guidance, they want to assist in healing personal and universal. Sing for 20 minutes each day!!! Remember your morning and evening prayers. Gratitude. Remembering I forged a new path with only the direction of my soul. SOOOOOO many obstacles, and challenges, and severe pains were put before me, and I continued to followed my inner truth. I took a step down in light frequency to come through the veil that would act as a barrier to God in order to be in human form, and found a way to holy communion with Creator. I have felt alienated in a strange world, at times, and still transmuted the genetic damage of my family lineage and did not fall asleep, into illusion...though death and rebirth occurred several times over, in painful ways. Thus gifted into shaman, now stepping into my full light. YES, Near death many times, choosing a tuff life. Death, rebirth...navigating like a great bird constellation. GLOWING, standing alone and sacred. Achieve life purpose, which is greater than me. Unresolved debts, dark balanced out completely! Wisdom of the great light, JOY purity, intelligence, wisdom, fearlessness. Supernatural dreaming from the shining ones...Don't dumb down, learn to use voice to communicate, it is vital. It is with the death and rebirth the shapeshifting begins. Here is my opening and transparency to you. Although many of you have received healing on my table, and could figure out it was more than "Just a Massage ", now I have downloaded further information in healing, and I am ready to share it with you. I will be adding a shaman healing page to my website; and to the list of services shortly for you to choose from. It is the path, and stewardship to community I offer... it is part of my soul's purpose, the gifts of service on planet earth. LOVE LIGHT Blessings in abundance. I was born to shine, stay LIT, and Shine on with YO Glow Girl. XOXO, Meta-Maria!


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