Owning Our Magic.
WE are born into these fabulous human vessels, and so full of gifts, life, awareness, curiosity, splendor, absolute magnificence.
And slowly, we are taught to hush, and hide our magic.
As women, our magic, is especially vital to our very essence. So many of us, not only lose our magic, we lost the very sight of its existence, some in fact, deny their magic.
Henry Ford said, "when everything seems to begging against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind."
...And isn't it in our more transitional, dark hours we can feel lost or trapped in this "illusion" of living or surviving or thriving.when it feels like everything is going wrong, intend that OLD ENERGY is gonna get the fuck outta here, so that new energy can enter! Set focus and trust that good shit is coming=magic!
Now, as one, who...
lost herself, and momentarily, maybe even
lost her way;
and gave much of her gifts, and magic away frivolously, I say, I have learned a few things along the way in the journey, called a lifetime.
When we snap it back to what matters, its our dreams, and thoughts, and actions that create our reality!
1-We are never completely lost, if we have a breathe of will left in us.
2-We will always find our way back, especially when a great group of women/men/community support us.
3-We are all magical.
4-Our magic is a manifesting mechanism!
5-Magic is always available, mores when we nourish ourselves in all ways.
6- You don't need anyones approval or permission to use your magic.
7-The more stable, and balanced we are as humans, the more powerful the magic.
8-We need a focus/goal that is passion filled/driven to breathe life into our essence.
Please note that which is relevant, the energies within your magical circles of friends, who lift us higher when worldly challenges present themselves. This is the only valid option.
And when we begin to unveil the magic,
a whole new universe begins to expose herself for adventure!
As we let go of the pieces that no longer fit, because we are too aligned to be forcing shit...
In our magical moments, those quiet ones, alone... when we are processing, taking it all in.
Looking in the mirror, like,
damn queen...
look at you bouncing back,
evolving so hard,
they gonna have to get to know you all OVER again.
Vibing it, and real life, living it.
This is part of your magic.
Believe in yourself.
Support your sisterhood.
As we rise, we lift...
we lift, so others can rise.
Remember the secret to magic:
Manifestation doesn't speak English, it speaks vibration, the essence of all things.
remember who the fuck you are.
Don't seek validation from low-vibration bitches.
Our magic is our essence, do not forget who you are, and what you are capable of.
Such magnificence.
The comeback is always stronger than the setback.
Onward magical unicorns!
And slowly, we are taught to hush, and hide our magic.
As women, our magic, is especially vital to our very essence. So many of us, not only lose our magic, we lost the very sight of its existence, some in fact, deny their magic.
Henry Ford said, "when everything seems to begging against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind."
...And isn't it in our more transitional, dark hours we can feel lost or trapped in this "illusion" of living or surviving or thriving.when it feels like everything is going wrong, intend that OLD ENERGY is gonna get the fuck outta here, so that new energy can enter! Set focus and trust that good shit is coming=magic!
Now, as one, who...
lost herself, and momentarily, maybe even
lost her way;
and gave much of her gifts, and magic away frivolously, I say, I have learned a few things along the way in the journey, called a lifetime.
When we snap it back to what matters, its our dreams, and thoughts, and actions that create our reality!
1-We are never completely lost, if we have a breathe of will left in us.
2-We will always find our way back, especially when a great group of women/men/community support us.
3-We are all magical.
4-Our magic is a manifesting mechanism!
5-Magic is always available, mores when we nourish ourselves in all ways.
6- You don't need anyones approval or permission to use your magic.
7-The more stable, and balanced we are as humans, the more powerful the magic.
8-We need a focus/goal that is passion filled/driven to breathe life into our essence.
Know that you are magic, and no one can stop your magical brilliant self.
Please note that which is relevant, the energies within your magical circles of friends, who lift us higher when worldly challenges present themselves. This is the only valid option.
And when we begin to unveil the magic,
a whole new universe begins to expose herself for adventure!
Have the audacity to believe in yourself, it is possible.As we let go of the pieces that no longer fit, because we are too aligned to be forcing shit...
We realize we not only do the SHIT...we are the shit!
In our magical moments, those quiet ones, alone... when we are processing, taking it all in.
Looking in the mirror, like,
damn queen...
look at you bouncing back,
evolving so hard,
they gonna have to get to know you all OVER again.
Vibing it, and real life, living it.
This is part of your magic.
Believe in yourself.
Support your sisterhood.
As we rise, we lift...
we lift, so others can rise.
Remember the secret to magic:
Manifestation doesn't speak English, it speaks vibration, the essence of all things.
Meditate, manifest, magic.
remember who the fuck you are.
Don't seek validation from low-vibration bitches.
Our magic is our essence, do not forget who you are, and what you are capable of.
Such magnificence.
The comeback is always stronger than the setback.
Onward magical unicorns!
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