Morning Chats With The Divine Spirit...Rediscover Fun and Play

Universe spoke to me this morning, after a restful nights sleep.

"We are all connected to each other, the planet, and the world, Maria.
          This is why we need to extend more compassion and kindness, and to stand by others without judgement.
It is here love can flow from source, as the divine mediator between heaven and earth.

                 Through open hearts, into the world, and shine a brilliant light, like the sun!
                From which, like a seed in dirt, 
life sprouts from the darkness of the warming earth, when it is time to come out of hibernation.

                    FLOW with desires that stimulate creative passions. It is here you manifest successes, and abundance.

Do it with HUMOR.
...with so much seriousness, GO OUT AND PLAY!

                  *Bring out your inner child, and experience true joy, and happiness in innocent releases of old habits, of old self...
release to discover anew!

Rediscover your sense of FUN....PLAY.

As in child like expressions of self, 
dedication, communication, trust,
deep faithfulness,
gentle and nurturing, 
telepathic when listening,
safe guard to resolve,


Remain focused.
Don't create change...stay connected and on track,
don't give up.
      Change will show up.
                All situations transformed.


      Their is a shift occurring.
                                    Feel the BLISS.

               Enjoy all the simple pleasures life has to offer.

... all are going thru a personal transformation, all are creating changes to align with life's purpose.

                                                     Be open to new ideas...

                                                                to growing spirit.
                               to listening to inner voice at a whisper.

Fresh perspectives include:
                     Honoring who you want to become!

IN two years...
               in 7 years....
                                  in 10.

Let renewing your inner energy take priority.

Eliminate everything not essential.

Activities, distractions, to what is really important.

Greater calm and stability will follow.

                 YOur destiny is to find the yearning.

Face fears.
Empower calm.
ask for guidance and forgiveness.

I am enough
I am whole 
I am good
I am perfect.

I am in alignment for my highest good and divine purpose.


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