Full Moon Intentions.

All aspects of life are sacred.

LIFE is sacred.

     Today is auspicious
            11/11... and we have a full moon upon us!
An intense healing porthole opening, with a heightened ability to see thru the veil into spirit world.
                     Our intuition is at an all time high.
It is time to speak your truth, and allow this new ability to manifest: relationships, wealth, abundance.
               We all get to create a new life, a best life. 
 A whole better version of you.

                     now....   DREAM BIGGGGGGER.

     Updating yourself, also means releasing old programming...LETTING GO!

     When you release, you can experience your wildest dreams.
       Each time I fall, I pick myself upon, and advance again...   This upgrading process is aligning you with highest purpose.
                 Be patient, and kind with yourself.

       ALL the cosmic forces are working on our behalf!
The time is now to form your dreams into reality.
  Fully align yourself to ensure success.
Everything we do right now, propel us into alignment of 20/20.

    It is our time to shine!
                        We have to live a better life.
Ride the wave,  of self activation.

      The more you heal yourself, the more you heal the world, and everyone around you benefits.

      The universe responds to our frequency. What are you putting out...and vibrating at?

       I am vibrating in love, abundance, health, wellness, joy, treasures, footprints, adventures, child-like wonder, fun, play, bliss, serene, harmony, peace, wisdom, balance, clarity, travel.

      This is the way we can tune in...LIKE A RADIO STATION!
                You have to be tuning into the music you want to listen to, just as much as you have to be tuned into the energy you want to manifest.

                 Allow the flow.

                          Allow the energy shift.

                 End all things that no longer serve you.
          Open new doors.
      New soul connections!
                   Unconditional LOVE.
                                              REAL LOVE,
                                                        New projects,

Whatever you think about, you will attract.

Step into your purpose, and manifest your dreams.

You can begin with self-care to take your power back. I do pilates bodywork, and energy sessions that remind us of self-love, and self-care. I teach body mechanics along the way.
Book Maria!!


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