Why Chakra Work Is Included In Whole-Body Health

     The more theories a practitioner integrates into their perceptions of healing, the greater the opportunity for generating advanced therapeutic prospects. 
      Understanding of the chakra system adds yet another layer of comprehending a client’s complexities. 
     As a healer, I have found working from the heart chakra during a healing session allows the work I do to be more effective. This enhancement is due to the heart chakra’s role as a point of balance for the entire body, and the safest place in the world. I can show you how to come from this place too!

     WE are all a mini universe, composed of subtle energy layers, meridians streaming out to the heavens, universally. Subtle meaning:"psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical".This subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass.
 Some have suggested about 88,000 chakras throughout the subtle body.
When energy flows freely through balanced and open chakras, health and well-being flourish. 
       Chakras, from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but references a spiritual energy center within the human body, of which there are seven along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head. Basically our chakras are energy centers, where wheels of light spin within each of us.

               Peel back layers of time, and travel within. 

     Making chakras work apart of your medicinal healing system of wellness is rooted deep into ancient times of health, and is still practiced today to promote health and well-being, and the flow of vital life energy. These chakras enable us to be fully human, and invite us to be divine...therefore creating a place for us to be both. This is why I include chakra balancing into many of my wellness packages, and because  spiritual energy translates into physical manifestations. 
     These subtle energy transformers, act as a network of systems composing our energy anatomy that is a vital part of us. Chakras work with our nervous system.  It is within these chakras that  is the ultimate pure healing energy. This energy is all around us, and within us. So when the chakras are open and aligned, our energy is constantly free-flowing, this energy keeps us healthy, happy and and full of vitality!

 Chakras influence psychic, and physical energy, and perform three processing functions:
 1. Physical processing at the attachment of nerve plexus or endocrine gland; thus managing a part of the body.
2.Psychological processing: This is how each chakra works with, and effects our well-being, thru beliefs and feelings.
3. Spiritual processing: Each chakra contributes to our well-being and development. Each Chakras serves as a Chanel for specific psychic abilities.

Disease typically results from a blockage or suppression of energy in any given chakra. 

      Chakras are involved in our electromagnetic functions, and our biochemistry controlling everything from our moods to our bodily functions. Each chakra is composed of different wavelengths, and speeds of colors and sounds. A sheer magnificence of frequencies that transcends time and space.
If we pay attention, and tune in...
               Psychic information can come thru spiritually.

 Energy is everything, and we are all interconnected, no matter where we are physically on the planet, nothing is separable. We exists within an ocean of oneness. Since the soul and the body are one being in two aspects, this energetically allows us to explore the spaces between the worlds of humanity and divinity.  Individuals spiritually, emotionally and physically mindfully aware of their own energy, are more likely to be attuned to chakra functioning.

                            Like energy, and Qi...Chi...
somethings cannot be explained logically in vocabulary words... A non logical sense of being both here, and everywhere at the same time!

       I think of it like a river way of subtle energy: Some have channels, valleys, tubes... shooting off in separate directions. We have thousands of meridians in our bodies, though 14 are considered main meridians.
      Also energetic fields, which include human aura layers, and can be visually seen in, and outside the body.

Free your FLOW. Unlock yourself.
It is essential to our being.

Some of the issues related to each chakra are:
  • Crown Chakra ~ Universal consciousness, all knowing, enlightenment, gateway to other dimensions.
  • Third Eye Chakra ~ Psychic abilities, intuition, visions, connection to higher self.
  • Throat Chakra ~ Communication, sound, self-expression, listening, speaking, writing.
  • Heart Chakra ~ Love, understanding, trust, hope, openness, compassion, balance, forgiveness.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra ~ Personal Power, will, metabolism, effectiveness, self-esteem, social identity.
  • Sacral Chakra ~ Emotions, relationships, sexuality, self-worth, creativity, empathy.
  • Root Chakra ~ Grounding, stability, physical needs, security, survival, manifestation, material world.

I am committed to excellence in bodywork . Checkout my "Wellness Packages" on my website: alohawellnessspa.com.

I hope you will have a better understanding as to the importance of a well rounded session. We are more than just "mass" laying on the massage table. 
                                                    ...Yet another reason to Book Maria Toro!


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