Who is Maria Toro LMT ???

I am so focused, and goal oriented; every once in awhile, I have to look back, to appreciate, recognize, and value all that I am, going forward. 

For me, 

massage therapy is not only an age old rehabilitation aide providing manual treatment, giving a sense of renewal. 

Massage is life! HEALING is important to me.
and yet, somehow...this tradition of drugless natural healing, is considered alternative.
Alternative to what????
Pain, inflammation
Depressed mood, because you are tired of feeling pain.
TIME to recover from surgeries.
Time to heal the scar tissue after surgeries...
Alternative was sounding really good, and it called my name.
                                             I dove right in!
       Sailing in uncharted seas, off beaten paths, allowing many ways to wellness the journey.

 Honestly, I was captivated instantly, and education continues to hold my attention to the point where I implement a lifestyle
                        of daily rituals into practice of self-love.

I will forever be sharing savvy self-care tips, and mindful movements thru all the healing work I do including Pilates integration. 

We will have stimulating dialogue, expanding your knowledge, for your success thru bodywork.

Because of my years of dedication, I have many modalities to choose from in the "tool box" we can use in session. 
I am so thankful for  all of my classes, and readings, and TIME invested.

     Take the path of least resistance, like the tide, ebbing and flowing, effortlessly, naturally.
    Allow me help you take care of yourself!
                                           Gracefully move around obstacles.
                                                                              Leave worry free.

Everyday is a gift, make the most of it!

Prioritize yourself.

     If you know what you want, and you know how to use your time, you will be satisfied with choosing me to be apart of your healing team.

I have your highest values in sight as my goal.

                                       You will be empowered thru respect for yourself.

     Part of taking your power back, is thru showing up for yourself in kind ways that open your heart, and fill your soul, and restore your physical vessel.

      We achieve this while in session, and with the homework provided.
Body. Mind. Spirit. Emotions. Energy.

     The professional services I provide keep clients coming back...
 for 20 years now! 

                         The bodywork is life-changing. 
Especially, if you have experienced coming back from an acute injury with my assistance...YOU KNOW!

     I have made rebooking, and scheduling very easy for my clients. My full calendar is online, and you may connect to the website I built: alohawellnessspa.com

    I do my best to communicate, and encourage you to do the same, so your needs are met. 

      You will soon realize, my background, and qualifications exceed most in the industry.  My conveniently, and centrally located Mercer Island studio are where people come to get better, and get back to health. It is a place where they return for maintenance their bodies deserve.
and they continue to return because of the results they achieve.

     ...So when recently, a longtime client  told me my prices were too high, and asked me to "cut her a deal" I smiled kindly, and shook my head. I thanked her. 

*The ANF Therapy she was seeking, I spent a week in LA with intensive training, that extended far beyond the said 9am-6pm hours advertised for the class. Oftentimes we were there until 10, 11pm...12am!
And back the next morning at 7:30..8am.
Passion, dedicated.
This week also cost me well over $5000.

      Massage therapists are required to take 24 hours of continued education hours every 2 years.
     Last year I invested WAY over 100 hours in continued educations; with extensive Lomi-Lomi Hawaiian massage, in depth pelvis massage, Somatic breathing therapy, 30 hours of Yin Yoga, and naturopathic medicine, and the ANF coarse!

      I've spent 20 years in private practice, passionate about learning, and continued education. My entire life's nucleus has been a lifestyle of alternative health and wellness.

                       A path/journey of exploration...
that has taught me countless lessons emerging in superior palpation skills, with the skilled ability to heal injuries.
I can scan the body visually, and hone in within seconds, with impressive results.

     What I can do in 60 minutes, because I spent 20 years learning, and mastering how to do THAT in 60 minutes...
YES you owe me for the years...not the minutes.

I value what I do.
            And until you do too, 
                      I am not the one for you.

You can see a list of my continued education, with certificates on my website.

When you value your time, and you want results, 
Book self-love self care with Maria Toro!


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