Sound Healing, DNA Repair.

    When your environment, and your body begins vibrating at a lower or an unnatural frequency it can cause illness throughout your body, mind and spirit. In fact, illness often manifests on an energetic level first, and then moves into the physical level.

     It is believed that when your body is in harmony it vibrates at around 62-68Hz, and anything lower than this can contribute to a weakened immune system. Colds and flu’s are believed to start around 58Hz, whereas cancer can appear around 42Hz. Before death takes hold your energy is also believed to dip below 20Hz.

     The Healing I do with ANF Therapy is using frequencies to heal the body. We’re still waiting on modern medicine and science to catch up with what the ancients have known for at least a thousand years.When it comes to frequencies, sound and music,  HEALING exists!

There is a specific frequency that happens to repair DNA and has healing properties: 528 HZ!!! 
Different frequencies do and broadcast different things.

     Every single thing in the Universe is vibrating at a particular frequency. Everything is energy.We all learned this in 5th grade science.

     Your thoughts and feelings, including everything in your subconscious, are transmitting a particular vibration out into the Universe, and those vibrations shape the life you are living. This is simply how the Universe works.

     Everything in this Universe, including you is vibrating at a frequency. This is because you and everything around you is energy.

The energy of the Earth vibrates at a 528Hz frequency which is the same frequency as Love, the Universal Healer.

Music has always been apart of my life. I began playing clarinet in band at 12 years, then alto saxophone, percussion, flute.

I discovered sound healing little by little.

First I was drawn to the singing bowls. I got my first one at 18!

     I took my first official sound healing with Acutonics tuning forks in 2007. And it was here I was was introduced into a room filled.... ceiling to floor,  with large gongs! 
I was so inspired, completely moved from this experience, And this is why I include sound healing in my therapeutic healing sessions.

     Music affects your mood. It can alleviate anxiety and depression, increase your cognitive function, and affect your worldview.Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissues and cells within the body. It works on the idea that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies.

I LOVE the benefits of the ancient Solfeggio frequencies, 
(which is believed to have been used in ancient sacred music and Gregorian chants). And this is why I am sharing this treasure of knowledge with you as a gift*.

     Now, I mindfully enjoy frequencies in sound healing like 528 HZ. The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note. which brings remarkable and extraordinary changes! The 528Hz tone alone is associated with DNA repair
     The Love frequency can be fundamental to broadcasting all matter, and energy into reality according to the laws of physics. Evidence suggests that 528 Hz has the potential to positively affect cellular water clusters to assist in removing impurities to prevent sickness and disease. It was thru my research in water I actually found 528HZ!!!!!
 In fact, 528 Hz has earned a reputation for its ability to reach and repair the very biological building blocks of our being, namely our cells and DNA. And we are made up of 85% water....

      The 528 tone activates your imagination, intention and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose.

528 HzDNA repair is said to be followed by an increased amount of life energy: clarity of mind, conscious awareness, awakened / activated creativity, and ecstatic states like deep inner peace and joy.

     The number 528 is actually found in the geometry of the spiral shape that is the double helix.

     Core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles, and produce blessings.
     We’re still just rediscovering the positive effects 528 Hz has on our spiritual, mental, and physical well-being, including DNA repair. 

YOU can start harnessing the benefits by listening to 528 Hz music today at LeGuerisseur Healing Center on Mercer Island, with Maria J. Toro. 
     Just by listening to these frequencies either through music, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs or tuning forks your body can begin to stimulate healing. You will feel calm upon leaving. You will feel connected to self. You will be energetically grounded, and plugged into source.

    I will typically have 528 in my stretchrassage group classes, and while I'm in session with massage therapy, and ANF Therapy, or meditate in my personal daily practice.

Here are a few other options for you to try:
396 Hz– liberates guilt and fear to help you achieve your goals
417 Hz– helps to deal with change and removes old patterns and habits
528 Hz– love and DNA repair, believed to bring about miracles
741 Hz– helps to solve problems and express yourself, also a powerful cleanser
852 Hz– awakens, allows you to see the truth, develops intuition
936 Hz– reconnects you to oneness and light
639 Hz - reconnecting and balancing relationships
a great way to enhance your vibration and bring about calmness and harmony.
To schedule with the Sound healing priestess :


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