Hawaiian Wisdom Ua Lehulehu a Manomano Ka ‘Ikena a Ka Hawai’i Great and Numerous is the Knowledge of the Hawaiian People

1. Repentance I’M SORRY Ho’oponopono assumes you are responsible for everything in your mind, even if it seems to be “out there.” Once you realize that, it’s very natural to feel sorry. This realization can be painful, and you will likely resist accepting responsibility for the “out there” kind of problems until you start to practice this method on your more obvious “in here” problems and see results. So choose something that you already know you’ve caused for yourself? Over-weight? Addicted to substances? Do you have anger issues? Health problems? Start there and say you’re sorry. That’s the whole step: I’M SORRY. You may wish to say it more clearly: “I realize that I am responsible for the (issue) in my life and I feel terrible remorse that something in my consciousness has caused this.” 2. Ask Forgiveness PLEASE FORGIVE ME Don’t worry about who you’re asking. Just ask! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Say it over and over. Mean it. Remember your remorse from step 1 as you ask to be forgiven. The main idea here is not to forgive others transgressions, but to assume you have the mana (spirit or power) to forgive yourself for that which is “out there”. To forgive yourself is to forgive all that has happened or ever will happen because we are all one. 3. Gratitude THANK YOU Say “THANK YOU” – again it doesn’t really matter who or what you’re thanking. Thank your body for all it does for you. Thank yourself for being the best you can be. Thank God. Thank the Universe. Thank whatever it was that just forgave you. Just keep saying THANK YOU. 4. Love I LOVE YOU This can also be step 1. Say I LOVE YOU. Say it to your body, say it to God. Say I LOVE YOU to the air you breathe, to the house that shelters you. Say I LOVE YOU to your challenges. Say it over and over. Mean it. Feel it. There is nothing as powerful as Love. That’s it. The whole practice in a nutshell. Simple and amazingly effective. The Process of Ho’oponopono: Bring to mind anyone or issue with whom you do not feel total alignment or support, etc. In your mind’s eye, construct a small stage below you Imagine an infinite source of love and healing flowing from a source above the top of your head (from your Higher Self), and open up the top of your head, and let the source of love and healing flow down inside your body, fill up the body, and overflow out your heart to heal up the person or issue on the small stage. When the healing is complete, have a discussion with the person or issue and forgive them, and have them forgive you. Next, let go of the person or issue and see them floating away. If you are healing in a current primary relationship, then assimilate the person inside you. Do this with every person and issue in your life with whom you are incomplete, or not aligned. The final test is, can you see the person or think of them without feeling any negative emotions. If you do feel negative emotions when you do, then do the process again.


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