40 tips For Better Living.

Better Living: 1-Just say NOOOOOOOO to processed foods. = Fake foods! 2-Get in (1) hour of EXERCISE each day. 3- Get in (1) hour of READING each day. 4-Get in MEDITATION each day. Aim for... your age 2x/day! 5-Phyically stretch often throughout the day. As often as you can. 6-Switch from coffee to tea. It is HIGHER VIBRATION. 7-LAUGHTER. May it be our go-to! 8-Get 8 hours of sleep each night. 9-In addition to exercise, walk everyday. This is one of our greatest blessings, be thankful for your legs, and feet, and the ability of mobility. 10-Mental break each day... mindful mental break... 11-Journal. 12-drink more water. 13-Check bank accounts and credit card accounts. 14-Start fresh! Each day is NEW, a DO OVER! 15-PUT DOWN YOUR FUCKING PHONE!!! Be present. 16-CUT BACK ON CONSUMPTION...of everything! 17-DOn't go to the grocery with an empty stomach. 18-Never keep up with the Joneses. 19-Keep healthy snacks/food at home, and at office. 20-Dont skip annual Doctor's office visits. 21-Don't rely on pills, if you can't sleep. 22-Wear SPF daily! 23-Don't snack...or eat if you are not hungry. If you are hungry all the time... WHAT ARE YOU REALLY HUNGRY FOR? It is not food. 24-Don't overdo the booze. Remember: SUGAR and ALCOHOL, are poison to the body, we don't need either. 25-Make your home a place you want to be. 26-Use YOUTUBE for FREE exercise videos! 27-Make your own cleaning supplies, all natural...use google! 28-DRop loose change into the same jar daily! 29-STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. 30-Say NOOOOOO to tanning beds, always. 31-LISTEN to your body. 32-Take a MENTAL HEALTH DAY. HEALTHCARE IS SELF CARE. 33-Sneeze into your elbow or arm, not into your hand, and think of all the humans around you. That sneeze can spread upwards of 30 feet. Be respectful. Respect begins with SELF RESPECT. 34-Prioritize stress management....RELAXATION. 35-Get massage often as you can. 36-Read all labels, makeup, shampoo, lotions, food, clothing...pay attention. 37-You stewardship needs to be mindful, choose wisely. 38-WEAR YOUR SEATBELT, DUH! 39-For every 20 minutes at your computer, take a two minute break away from the screen, and stretch. 40-Count to 10, 20, 30, when you are angry. mariajtoro.com to schedule.


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