Queen, It is Time to Stunt On Those Doubts.

Aloha Ohana,

           WHAT other people think of me is none of my business.

                                                My mental health has been tested like no other this year.

       Every time we level up, we must set new boundaries. What was okay before, is no longer acceptable, it no longer works. Therefore, the humans in our lives, our-self care rituals, our environments and situations we engage in...ALL MUST ADJUST, to meet our new vibrational frequency in order to be sustained,

One of the highest places you can reach, is to be independent of the good opinions of other people.

This is part of healing the thought process on a sub conscious level. Healing old patterns, and ways of being.

As we begin to love, and value ourselves, sending that love and harmony out to infuse the mind, and body in a peaceful environment. From here, ALLOW the Universe to flow perfectly. 

Becoming an outward expression of true state doesn't always bring supporters. It brings out the haters, the jealous eyes of envy, and it brings out the parasites.

Our circles become smaller. More REFINED.

                                                                  So to protect.

                              Currently not letting anybody fuck with my flow.

    As we give ourselves the love we seek, the Universe sends people who match it.

Nurturing Universe encompasses all aspects of being, and fully embraces us on the journey.

Tides and winds change, all are guided and moving in the direction meant to be.


We have all been called to rest for awhile, heal, sooth self...so to begin again on the path.

                                                                            The path we travel on IS the daily practice.

RECOGNIZE the beauty in you.

                 Realize the gentle way is the path.

                 Don't fix broken RElationships, things are as they should be in this moment.

                                                                                                             SEE the BEAUTY in that.

The essence, the invite, the medicine:

True prosperity is the FEELING of well-being, in body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit. Prosperity invites us to sing...express ourselves in JOY and celebration of abundance and riches that the universe provides. 

When we are not vibing with like minded frequencies, they don't celebrate our abundance authentically with us. How do you FEEL being with THAT person, THAT energy? 

Always calculating, calibrating.

RELAX into wellbeing.

What others think of you previously may have caused stress, anxiety, worry...

                                                                                                            A disconnected truth.

                      As we DEDICATE time to relax, this provides a BALANCED foundation.

Make sure your circle consists of people that force you to level up...as to become a radiant soul; vibing so high, toxic people disappear.

Remember, we never lose real friends, real opportunities, or real relationships when we stand up for ourselves by setting clear boundaries. We lose abusers, manipulates, narcissists, attention seekers, and mental-health destroying leeches.

                  The Universe has been forcing assholes out of your life, let that shit happen!

The greatest form of activism IS to be a living example of the type of people you want to see walking the Earth. Hang out with people who fit your future, not your history.

Let go of anything or anyone that doesn't support your highest purpose.

High vibration.

Good things are coming!




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