Lessons on Lessons: Boundaries!

Aloha Ohana,

The more balanced we are, the more inner light, or Kukui is revealed. 

We create balance: spiritually, materially, physically, emotionally, energetically...idealistically.

This state of balance,  allows our inner lights to flicker and flow thru transforming universal love source.

Their is medicine in the torch of wisdom.

Their is joy in victory.

Their is beauty in purpose.

When you are unbalanced, you create negative states: jealousy, hatred, envy, separation, greed, and fear.

The more we are balanced, the more inner light!

Being able to express boundaries, using throat chakra to create peace, and balance for self is essential. 

Only the people who NEED,  and REQUIRE boundaries, are the human do not like them. Ever seen an adult lose their shit when you set boundaries?

Boundaries is a form of self-love.

Being brave is an act of self-love, it is you telling the world, you deserve your space in it.

Your self-respect must be stronger than your feelings.

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing!!!

Be willing to walk away.

Be willing to ask others to leave!

One door closes, and the universe opens another.

Distance is my new response, I don't return negative energy, I remove myself, as to keep boundaries, and balance.

This is self-respect, and self-love, and self-care.

I am NO longer available for people or places that try to make me feel like shit...I will not spend my life surrounded by fake assholes.

When we love ourselves, we begin to easily recognize when someone else doesn't. We can also see when people are using us.

I have learned to be ok with people not knowing my side of the story, and I don't have anything to prove to anyone, but myself. 

I only owe Maria!

Understand the power of silence, and detachment. 

Responsibility, and accountability for self, not others.

To hold my tongue, and not speak on the issues, is a trauma response for keeping the peace. 

When I did this, it was disrespecting my own boundaries, I forgive myself for not knowing better, and now that I do, I will do better.

I will keep taking up space, and using my voice.

MY PEACE is more important than reacting to something that doesn't deserve my energy.

Cutting people out of your life doesn't mean you hate them, it means you respect yourself, not everyone is meant to stay. Not everyone is worthy of my respect.

Our lives are our spiritual practices, our spiritual practice doesn't happen somewhere else, other than our lives, right here, right now.

Leveling UP will require you to push yourself past what you know yourself to be.

I don't know what it is...

I am not vibing with a lot of people these days. I have noticed I have filtered out the people who bring nothing to my life. I no longer have the energy for meaningless relationships, interactions, conversations. If we are not vibrating on the same frequency, their is just no reason to waste time.

My standards will always remain high, because what I require...I reciprocate.

World war 3 is spiritual.

The battle is energetic.

Set boundaries. Keep them. Stay safe.

Respect self.

Love self.

Level up.

What others think of me, is none of my business.

I transcend to the person I am meant to be.

I am the person I want to be.

I humbly accept my blessings.

I ran thru all of my difficulties, and now at the other side, I choose to live in peace, I choose to create balance.

I know my value, I am worthy!

I am surrounded in healing, protective light.

I am open to receiving all the goodness life has to offer.

I Dare greatly.

Learn your lessons in love and forgiveness; here you obtain wisdom.

Everything is in proper balance.

I am on the right path.

I have come into alignment, the time is now!





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