Thank you Covid19, for Sending Us HOME

Coming home to self is when you find peace within. 

As I come home to self,
       I can live at peace with others.

I can not allow temporary situations to fire up my emotions, throwing me off balance, as I have in the past.
And in the muck of this, I learned, that life is not what you are given, but what we create!
What we conquer, and achieve.

Part of me tucks away the pains, the negative memories and experiences, the traumas.
As if they never happened.

When truly they shaped me, 
resilience, now my middle name.

I am trying my best to move gracefully in all ways, always.

In doing so, things may appear effortless, smooth, easy.

I do better staying positive, and surrounding myself with like minded individuals. Uplifting spirits.
I thrive, like a plant, with water, sunshine, time, and nutrients.

In these revealing times, so much is being uncovered, both internally and externally.

I know that part of my work here is to heal self, and to heal the world. In doing my work, we keep moving toward collective consciousness. 

As we uncover more layers,
connect to universal love, 
going within to source, and pull back the veil.

Search within,
and seek what you love.
Enjoy life.

Be true to self.
Live in balance... being true to self..

As we wake up, to this spiritually awakening, letting go of toxic self habits, and traumas...

to level up in frequency.

What does this look like in real life?

Traumas are all about LIVING under social conditions, where terrible things are allowed to happen, and the truth cannot be told.
I survived 17 years of trauma being raised by my mom.
These things I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, I never speak of.

Fo those of you wish to leave politics out of dealing with trauma, they are in and of the same...control, all things are connected...
how we do one thing we do everything.

In rewiring my brain, spinning more positively, as I began noting magic in manifesting, believing my way to a new reality...
I let go of all worries no longer serving me, making a new path...
Taking the road less traveled, 
assured the views from the top worthwhile.

And in this journey,
I have met some people who are intimidated by me.

Im different!
Most don't know how to respond to me...I don't fit in.

Instead of embracing my uniqueness, they toss shade.
They want to see the failures, struggles and challenges, not the wins!

And I learned in order to love who I am , I cannot hate the experiences that shaped me. These traumas.
Thank you traumas.  Thank you fake friends!

Thank you to all of the people who are jealous, that project your internal negativity outward.
Thank you for the abuse, neglect, and assaults.

I release it all gracefully, as you are not meant of me.

I open myself up from guidance from the universe. True love source.
Becoming aware of my patternes and habits. Learning to be gentle with self.
In taking care of me, it is little habits daily, keeping promises to self. 
Loving self, 
        forgiving self.

I know their is not quick fix, in self or for planet. This will be a lifelong journey, in meeting true self, and healing the planet. We are all connected.

In our constructed chaos and dramas,
I have found the most profound healing in: RELAXING.
IN: belly Laughter,
in: light-hearted PLAY.
These instantly shift energy.

In changing self, it changes those around us.
Both inner circle,
and ones that watch, listen, grow, learn.
Always changing, shapeshifting, we must trust the process.
It is a healing journey, returning home.
AS we change,
not for a day, or a week, 
but fundamentally... every aspect of who we are, and how we show up, and present ourselves to the world.

In relaxing, we have quiet moments of 

                                                              and darkness.

Go within to untie these raveled knots of distraction, busy, lost abyss , have no fear of disappearing.

FALL IN LOVE with yourself.
All answers you are seeking, are within, and the more nurturing turned inwardly, 
reflects out...
in loving ways.

Thankful for all of my guides who have helped me along my way, both in spirit and on planet. I have been inspired, reminded, supposed, and loved by people who have counter-shaped the traumas.
Who remind me to be myself.
Who remind me not to worry, they have my back.
Who remind me to stay on task, keep focused.
Who remind me of the alignment, and intent.
so to not drift.

     Traumas condition toxic habits and people.
We are connected in such a way that we turn to toxic behaviors more than healthy ones, it is the path of least resistance at first.

*Note how many friendships connected you in traumas?

See the riots,
 and protests, 
turned drama, 
and looting
 police station take overs, 
violence on all human kinds, 
whether black,
prisoner... this conditioning runs deep in human psyche, we must collectively and mindfully snap out of the moment to awareness!
A rat race of a pyramid cycle.
Be still.
Ho home...relax and heal.

Being present in the here and now,
seeing the egos manipulate behaviors. 
AS we heal, rise up!

and collect more awareness of self, thru self care,
we can cultivate a life of peace, 
abundance, health and hope.
Align with higher self, listen to your calling. RISE UP.

And in doing this,
You can be whoever you want to be, Rise UP.

Choose to be honest.
Choose to be kind.
Choose to be the person who helps others, help people go home to their beauty and their worth.
Don't get caught in low frequency
of jealousy and hate...RISE UP.

You have no idea how much effort, and work went into their journey, or mine...
to get them where you want to be...or where I am going.

Do the work, go within. Go home.

I have been nearly brutally broken, many times over,
                   and have had the courage to continue, and to be gentle with others, 
and equally have learned to stand firm, on the ones that need boundaries.

I've learned the art of withdrawing, and restoring self, because of exhaustion and burn out of giving self away serving.

      As I have let go, I continue to create space for better things.
The more I love self,
The more I love others.
Love transcends race, religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, social status, and all other forms of SEPARATION.

If we take the TIME NOW,
to forgive.
to be sorry.
To be thankful.
To let go.
To love self, 
healing begins.

Ward off negativity, focus on self care, self love.
Spend more time with people that bring out the best in you, that invoke calm...peace.
Accept things as they are, giving your best.

It is time to wake up, and put an end to all the drama. 
Stop pointing fingers, and start taking responsibility for you.

Get off the victim cycle.

 In me acknowledging childhood trauma, and how it effects my natural fight or flight in todays Covid19 cray-cray world, with heightened racial, political and gender issues at large globally, systematically.

IS acknowledging my Responsibility is learning, and growing, and making better choices.
Move forward with your own healing.
Be inspired, motivated, open-minded, passionate and grateful.

As we go home, keep in mind:
YOU deserve the love you keep trying to get from everyone else.
You wanna know how you get your power back?

You love yourself.

Go home! Go within, See your truth, and set yourself free.
An awakening from a spiritual awakening!
A new age.
New communities, new truths.
No longer able to hide from the shadow, with the veil lifting.
Masks are flying off, and false lights/identies are being purged.
Illusions will shatter.
It is time to go home, go within.

While it feels disheartening to know that trauma changes the brain, 
remember that,
changes the brain too!

And just like the moonbeams, and star shine...
our greatest magic will come in times of darkness.
When you have no other choice 
but to trust your own power.

Get your shit together.
2020, is your year.
Many great names in history came out of dark times.

We were all sent home to our rooms, to think about life.
to fall in love with self, and planet, and community.
to forgive, to learn and grow, to level up.

                                         This is our year!
                                                  Thank you 2020.
You are either adding to it or subtracting from it energetically.
Do not be afraid of old pains, old fears.
Let go heal, and

Forgive hurts and wrong doings to know TRUE freedom GLOBALLY.

Earth is a school. 
We are learning a collective experience on love and 
Be a brave soul on this eternal journey. Our destinies are intertwined, shine your light BRIGHTLY.
Book Maria!!


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