How to heal the EARTH, and its People.
Spirit asked me to sit in meditation... said to quiet myself.
to let go.
Spirit began to ask me about:
remembrance, and all that I have gone thru in souls's body.
These are my lessons, and tools for this lifetime to grow gracefully with LIFE.
Spirit began to ask me to continue to show gratitude, and appreciation; giving thanks for all things, including painful lessons.
This celebrates abundance and expressed JOY in
and everything
body, mind soul, heart, body, soul, spirit.
This ensures a positive outcome in all situations.
We are at a turning point.
IF we see the blessings in things, we allow these blessings to multiply.
Our current GLOBAL situations taking place are full of anger, hostility, rage, drama, fear, hatred.
When we focus on this, we are also aiding to the problem at large, especially when in big numbers. LOW VIBRATIONALLY.
Even focusing on: "I can't breathe", manifests more... I can't breathe. Focusing on racism, encourages more racism, more divide.
Focusing on death...looting, protests, manifests more chaos and drama.
An inner awakening, a planetary shift is occurring.
collective consciousness. shared wisdoms/knowledge.
We can either draw from, or add too, to contribute.
Please share wisdoms of the heart peacefully.
GIVE THANKS to teachers of the lessons.
Don't look back,
New blossoms ahead.
It is TIME
Make self useful.
Our task here is to, connect to heart, universal love source, stay on shine brightly, in our balanced, positive individual bodies.
We are all connected.
When we have unbalanced states, stresses, negative emotions, we aTTRACT more of that.
IF we accept emotions thru PRAYER, and MEDITATION, we become a balanced individual, and we can allow our inner light to shine outwardly with unlimited vision. collectively.
Celebrate without clinging,
JOY is a state of the heart and soul that unites an expansion of greater good source, constant serenity.
When I asked spirit for planary HIGHEST GOOD,
Spirit said,
"believe life happens for greatest good, here you find happiness".
Life is a collections of lessons, and
to remember a WOUNDED HEART can be setinments repressed for lifetimes, and energy...and light is now shifting, so healing can take place.
If we can SOFTEN our focus, and listen quietly...
we can hear ...
MORE is going on than meets the eye.
more to the story!
When we connect to our heart chakras,
is the answer.
Love is the HEART of the matter.
It is safe to love.
OPEN HEART. protection, guidance and safety... in an easy does it detached, retreat of letting go, so that healing can occur.
The next parts will be more challenging to swallow, stay with me...
Anger stored in the body/mind is harmful to our health.
EVEN if something seems UNFORGIVABLE,
PURGE toxic emotions. for your own sake.
Forgiveness doesn't mean... "I'm okay with this"
rather indicates...
"I am no longer willing to suffer angry thoughts and feelings.
These will not reside in my body... I only house PEACE, and CALM.
In prayer, ask for guidance, and the ability to forgive.
What would occur if we did this collectively?
What if this was our mantra, and our focus, do you energetically feel that shift to light and love? Should we not manifest that instead for change?
Forgive self and others.
Forgive repeatedly until you find peace.
A rather rare occurrence for our region in seattle is to experience thunder and lightening storms, as we have of late. I address this too because energetically, thunder, is a call to action!
Please release tension.
let go.
DRAMATIC MOMENTS, and movements are a wakeup call.
Now is the time to be flexible, use dexterity, and have willingness to experience NO DRAMA.
Focus on SOLUTIONS rather than problems.
CREATE a drama-free life.
BY way of pleasure/pain...
although certain souls may seem harsh to your perspective,
open up to the idea that... this is just a way of caring and feeling more deeply.
I assure you,
PLEASURE is better than misery.
Who are you keeping company.
Which wolf are you feeding?
Solve problems with peace and harmony and love, here we can find an agreement, and provide a safe refuge for mankind.
2020, and LIFE...LIVING... is a spiritual teacher,
Send light
send prayers
send LOVE.
To change world anger, we must change our thoughts collectively. Do this thru prayer and meditations.
Our life is a contract. We have free will of choices. Send light and love.
Collectively, universally,
we are students, and should be learning all of the time.
Live in the here and now, and connect to one another on Earth.
We are all here to learn collective lessons in LOVE and KINDNESS... to receive and give,
this is the whole point.
HIGHER GOOD= Forgiveness, gratitude, coupled with LOVE.
As we navigate our paths with an unlimited view of this bigger picture,
we are all connected,
we are all here to help on the path.
Tale love with you.
Experience forgiveness.
Connect to understand.
Forgive to heal fear.
Act with honor with each other.
As earth is our school for our souls.
Our future and PRESENT effect the past.
Be part of the collective lesson in LOVE.
Success is not money, nor material blessings...
our true essence of success is the gifts we are born with, and our ability to share to collectively rise, and elevate others...sharing these gifts.
LEAVE EGO behind...look at self awareness, and what we are going thru...
Our choices are about LOVE or FEAR.
Please step UP and LOVE.
Love is the answer.
We will continue to suffer terrible loses and trauma if this is the continued focus.
How to make sense of the gifts is to shift the energy, as all are lessons in profound LOVE.
Be a helper of love, on the team of light.
KINDNESS has influence, kindness changes laws, saves lives,
kindness will even save our future.
If we encompass our energies together collectively,
with faith and trust, and connect to the universe...
we will have a positive outcome.
Anger, guilt, rage...serves no good, it is sludge, and will continue to bring you down. It is toxic.
Pay attention to this energy attack.
The highest path is to let go.
Allow repair thru love, forgive wrong doings.
Justice is here for the families, as this is a test, and is supposed to happen.
Our free will TRUMPS everything.
To ensure what happens,
navigate with forgiveness without guilt, to build foundation we collectively want to create.
MINDFUL open hearts connected to universal love source.
NOW is the time to create.
Create ART.
Sing, paint, dance, write, exchange these GIFTS!!!!
Bring art into the world,
this turns our brightness UP.
The higher realms delight, and want to aid in this exchange of light to heal society.
Please embrace art.
Foster art.
Celebrate art.
Art lights our energy UP.
Music unites the world...
Sing, use your voice! Raise the vibrations.
TRUST the path.
Don't get stuck in SELF/EGO.
Connect to team of light...higher energy.
Breathing helps our energy align.
Mediation and prayer.
Right here, right now,
we are being given signs and symbols, if you are quiet enough to have awareness.
In our dreams, in the the clouds...
all over!
Spirit is asking us to RECHARGE, REST.
This is healing to soul energy.
and we get information here telepathically.
Spirit has asked me to address drugs and alcohol.
Recreation vs addiction.
These mess with our VIBRational energy.
It chops cords of light.
Disconnects us.
Shutting us up.
Extraordinary pain, sometimes creates a place of distance and escape...these will cut cords of light, and it is not the answer.
stay conscious, and mindfully aware.
This is a contact,
and we are at school.
World changes thru forgiveness, mediation, love and prayer.
Send light, send love, send prayers.
Make art.
to let go.
Spirit began to ask me about:
remembrance, and all that I have gone thru in souls's body.
These are my lessons, and tools for this lifetime to grow gracefully with LIFE.
Spirit began to ask me to continue to show gratitude, and appreciation; giving thanks for all things, including painful lessons.
This celebrates abundance and expressed JOY in
and everything
body, mind soul, heart, body, soul, spirit.
This ensures a positive outcome in all situations.
This is fulfillment.
We are at a turning point.
IF we see the blessings in things, we allow these blessings to multiply.
Our current GLOBAL situations taking place are full of anger, hostility, rage, drama, fear, hatred.
When we focus on this, we are also aiding to the problem at large, especially when in big numbers. LOW VIBRATIONALLY.
Even focusing on: "I can't breathe", manifests more... I can't breathe. Focusing on racism, encourages more racism, more divide.
Focusing on death...looting, protests, manifests more chaos and drama.
An inner awakening, a planetary shift is occurring.
collective consciousness. shared wisdoms/knowledge.
Stay connected to HEART/LOVE/LIGHT.
We can either draw from, or add too, to contribute.
Please share wisdoms of the heart peacefully.
GENTLENESS brings forth desired results.
GIVE THANKS to teachers of the lessons.
Don't look back,
New blossoms ahead.
It is TIME
Make self useful.
Our task here is to, connect to heart, universal love source, stay on shine brightly, in our balanced, positive individual bodies.
We are all connected.
When we have unbalanced states, stresses, negative emotions, we aTTRACT more of that.
IF we accept emotions thru PRAYER, and MEDITATION, we become a balanced individual, and we can allow our inner light to shine outwardly with unlimited vision. collectively.
Celebrate without clinging,
a balanced inner light to flow in our natural and Phyical worlds.
AWAKEN the energies of universal love source...OPEN YOUR HEART to joy to overcome obstacles.
JOY is a state of the heart and soul that unites an expansion of greater good source, constant serenity.
When I asked spirit for planary HIGHEST GOOD,
Spirit said,
"believe life happens for greatest good, here you find happiness".
Life is a collections of lessons, and
to remember a WOUNDED HEART can be setinments repressed for lifetimes, and energy...and light is now shifting, so healing can take place.
If we can SOFTEN our focus, and listen quietly...
we can hear ...
MORE is going on than meets the eye.
more to the story!
When we connect to our heart chakras,
is the answer.
Love is the HEART of the matter.
It is safe to love.
OPEN HEART. protection, guidance and safety... in an easy does it detached, retreat of letting go, so that healing can occur.
The next parts will be more challenging to swallow, stay with me...
Anger stored in the body/mind is harmful to our health.
EVEN if something seems UNFORGIVABLE,
PURGE toxic emotions. for your own sake.
Forgiveness doesn't mean... "I'm okay with this"
rather indicates...
"I am no longer willing to suffer angry thoughts and feelings.
These will not reside in my body... I only house PEACE, and CALM.
In prayer, ask for guidance, and the ability to forgive.
What would occur if we did this collectively?
What if this was our mantra, and our focus, do you energetically feel that shift to light and love? Should we not manifest that instead for change?
Forgive self and others.
Forgive repeatedly until you find peace.
A rather rare occurrence for our region in seattle is to experience thunder and lightening storms, as we have of late. I address this too because energetically, thunder, is a call to action!
Please release tension.
let go.
DRAMATIC MOMENTS, and movements are a wakeup call.
Now is the time to be flexible, use dexterity, and have willingness to experience NO DRAMA.
Focus on SOLUTIONS rather than problems.
CREATE a drama-free life.
BY way of pleasure/pain...
although certain souls may seem harsh to your perspective,
open up to the idea that... this is just a way of caring and feeling more deeply.
I assure you,
PLEASURE is better than misery.
Who are you keeping company.
Which wolf are you feeding?
Solve problems with peace and harmony and love, here we can find an agreement, and provide a safe refuge for mankind.
2020, and LIFE...LIVING... is a spiritual teacher,
Send light
send prayers
send LOVE.
To change world anger, we must change our thoughts collectively. Do this thru prayer and meditations.
Our life is a contract. We have free will of choices. Send light and love.
Collectively, universally,
we are students, and should be learning all of the time.
Live in the here and now, and connect to one another on Earth.
We are all here to learn collective lessons in LOVE and KINDNESS... to receive and give,
this is the whole point.
HIGHER GOOD= Forgiveness, gratitude, coupled with LOVE.
As we navigate our paths with an unlimited view of this bigger picture,
we are all connected,
we are all here to help on the path.
Tale love with you.
Experience forgiveness.
Connect to understand.
Forgive to heal fear.
Act with honor with each other.
As earth is our school for our souls.
Our future and PRESENT effect the past.
Be part of the collective lesson in LOVE.
Success is not money, nor material blessings...
our true essence of success is the gifts we are born with, and our ability to share to collectively rise, and elevate others...sharing these gifts.
LEAVE EGO behind...look at self awareness, and what we are going thru...
Our choices are about LOVE or FEAR.
Please step UP and LOVE.
Love is the answer.
We will continue to suffer terrible loses and trauma if this is the continued focus.
How to make sense of the gifts is to shift the energy, as all are lessons in profound LOVE.
Be a helper of love, on the team of light.
KINDNESS has influence, kindness changes laws, saves lives,
kindness will even save our future.
If we encompass our energies together collectively,
with faith and trust, and connect to the universe...
we will have a positive outcome.
Anger, guilt, rage...serves no good, it is sludge, and will continue to bring you down. It is toxic.
Pay attention to this energy attack.
The highest path is to let go.
Allow repair thru love, forgive wrong doings.
Justice is here for the families, as this is a test, and is supposed to happen.
Our free will TRUMPS everything.
To ensure what happens,
navigate with forgiveness without guilt, to build foundation we collectively want to create.
MINDFUL open hearts connected to universal love source.
NOW is the time to create.
Create ART.
Sing, paint, dance, write, exchange these GIFTS!!!!
Bring art into the world,
this turns our brightness UP.
The higher realms delight, and want to aid in this exchange of light to heal society.
Please embrace art.
Foster art.
Celebrate art.
Art lights our energy UP.
Music unites the world...
Sing, use your voice! Raise the vibrations.
TRUST the path.
Don't get stuck in SELF/EGO.
Connect to team of light...higher energy.
Breathing helps our energy align.
Mediation and prayer.
Right here, right now,
we are being given signs and symbols, if you are quiet enough to have awareness.
In our dreams, in the the clouds...
all over!
Spirit is asking us to RECHARGE, REST.
This is healing to soul energy.
and we get information here telepathically.
Spirit has asked me to address drugs and alcohol.
Recreation vs addiction.
These mess with our VIBRational energy.
It chops cords of light.
Disconnects us.
Shutting us up.
Extraordinary pain, sometimes creates a place of distance and escape...these will cut cords of light, and it is not the answer.
stay conscious, and mindfully aware.
This is a contact,
and we are at school.
World changes thru forgiveness, mediation, love and prayer.
Send light, send love, send prayers.
Make art.
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