Leveling UP

Energy is everything, and everything is energy.

Positive times positive equals positive.
Positive times negative equals negative.

We are all frequency.
Everything within us vibrates a frequency.

We cannot force people to level up, or join us on the pathway to ascension.

We must take care of self, and energy, and align in a balanced, highest purpose soulful maker, and ALLOW the law of vibration to bring the right people to you.
It will be easy, effortless.

Truest empowerments I have come to realize is that of JOY and laughter, and inviting the right frequencies to join me here.

I can no longer lower my vibration, and meet people.

Energy is always in motion. Things are always changing.

If you think your same thoughts, you are stuck in a pattern. You must rewire your mind/thoughts, and carve out a new highway.

Its in the darkest places, like seedlings, that we can begin to bloom.

It is what it is, just allow.

And as we begin to LEVEL UP in ourselves, in our lives in the world energetically, 
we will say goodbye to old friends, without explanation.

We begin to cherish our vessel, and drink more water, and eat better foods, 
and meditation in solitude.

We deepen our auric connection, and raise our frequency by being in nature.

In the stillness of quiet, we learn more of who we are, and where we are going.
We level up in responsibility, and the ability to mentor others on this journey.
This is an unspoken rule...
a right of passage.

To receive, we must first give, and to share knowledge, to give it away, creates more to be obtained.

In this is yet more responsibility...and awareness

Question everything.

Like a loyal best friend, be like a great hound, and stay present. This present moment is all we have.

When I begin to listen to my soul, I feel good.
This raises my vibration.
I feel safe, because I know the Universe has my back, and I am divinely protected.

No longer wasting energy on people's opinion,  or perception of you, 
it says more about them!

Step into magic, and turn it all the way UP.

Focusing on possibilities.
Creating SPACE for BETTER things to enter my life.

While physically grounded on Earth,
Mentally in galaxies, and spiritually in other dimensions...

In service of my highest good, soul purpose.

Learned important lessons, so that I can enter the next level of life, and reach this highest potential.

Preparing for long term success 
new joys
more blessings
loving relationships.

I'm so thankful for my life, and where I am TODAY.

Loving myself more, as shade is thrown my way...

Healing, growing, and discovering simultaneously... and its getting magical for me.

I have learned the art of not stressing the problems you cannot change.

I learned I don't have to be kind to those who fuck up.

Letting chaos and distractions go....peacefully.

As I am now aware that whatever I spend my energy on will amplify and enhances... My energy is my bank account.   
So I have come to ask myself, 
Is this beneficial to me?
Is it assisting humanity?
Is this going to change my life?
Does it deserve my time?

Time, my most precious resource.

Reserving energy, SHEN, life force energy...the battery.

Too busy, because my path is calling.

My energy
MY existence is too precious to dissipate it to nothingness.
I have learned to invest my energy wisely.

And I am thankful.

My standards have changed.
I have changed.
releasing in transformation...as the mind got silenced, the soul knew what to do.

Focused on all of the GIFTS in my life RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

The vibration of gratitude and abundance, the magnet of miracles.

Discovering, knowing, and valuing worth.

Becoming braver, stronger, wiser than before.

Dreaming new dreams, 
because the future is LIT.

What is coming is far better than what I have left behind.

Defining and focusing on priorities.

As we get older, we can energetically FEEL the difference between the people who love us, and the ones who are jealous, or care at their own expense.

Remember that energy is a BANK.

This is MY life, my time, and I am, and I can, and I will  make the most of it.

Letting go allows leveling up.
Train yourself to let go of everything you FEAR to lose.

And in this it is poor spiritual hygiene to give everyone access to you/me.

So thankful I get to spend this life being a MAGICAL BITCH.


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