
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Come Back

Transition, change... instability... tension. This can be a challenge, or struggle. With mandated quarantine, the isolation, and imprisonment can feel like a tower of doom, or a blessing, depending if you are introverted or extroverted. This time has taught me to be. ...and         its totally ok to simply be. be chill. be reading. be organizing. be soaking in a bath.  Be and me......time.  I am learning the art of balance, restraint, growth, generosity, intuition, passion, laughter, and simplicity. resilience is allowing what is to be. Natural medicine is the sun, the sea... and laughter. Finding simple delights, An espresso, a tan line, a favorite song, a neighbor remembering your name...and that you love snickerdoodles! Remember to allow the soul to bask in delight. Joys. FUN. resilience is the come back. The stoic, quiet, will. Their are treasures in facing darkest fears. Their are gifts in allowing the eg...

Leveling UP

Energy is everything, and everything is energy. Mathematically: Positive times positive equals positive. Positive times negative equals negative. We are all frequency. Everything within us vibrates a frequency. We cannot force people to level up, or join us on the pathway to ascension. We must take care of self, and energy, and align in a balanced, highest purpose soulful maker, and ALLOW the law of vibration to bring the right people to you. It will be easy, effortless. Truest empowerments I have come to realize is that of JOY and laughter, and inviting the right frequencies to join me here. I can no longer lower my vibration, and meet people. Energy is always in motion. Things are always changing. If you think your same thoughts, you are stuck in a pattern. You must rewire your mind/thoughts, and carve out a new highway. Its in the darkest places, like seedlings, that we can begin to bloom. It is what it is, just allow. And as we begin to LEVEL UP ...

Full Moon Intentions in Scorpio:

May 7, 2020 is our next full moon, and it happens to fall under passionate scorpio. An important turning point, perhaps celebration, will come out of the concluding story. This happens to be the first positive full moon in six weeks, bringing family, friends and home under scrutiny and compassion, with heightened sensitivities of what you need vs what you want. and... Being the last in a series of three Super Full Moons in a row, a finale of some sort is waiting. This is a great time to let go, and ask for calm, health, and highest good. A transformation complete...rebirth, and rise up and out of the ashes. attune you to your soul, intimately. This is the best time for inner reflection. Allow this month to dive deeper into soul. Communicate with self, and inner most desires, and in the sign of extremes, Scorpio energy can draw out both our darkest shadows. Hightened sensitivity to vibrations of people energetically, and environments...Choose empowerment over getting caught up in n...

Update on plans to reopen in West Seattle

 Aloha Family, I hope this finds you happy, healthy, and well. I appreciate each of you that reached out with kind words, and purchases of future sessions with me. Your support during these times encourages life beyond Covid19, and indeed their will be a new way of doing things, a new way of living. I am excited and delighted to share the bulkhead, nature's healing beauty with you. Salt water, and fresh sea air, heals most ailments on its own, everything else is leveling up. Massage has been on the essential list, along side PT, and chiropractic. With this in mind, I am taking precautions as recommended by CDC, and my plans are to do massage and pilates in a safe welcoming, healing manner, that ensures comfort, and you will enjoy your visit. I will now offer only 90 minute sessions. This will include some breathe work, and gentle stretches on bulkhead,  use of foam rollers and lacrosse balls. This is a good place to begin to let go of stress, and soak in nature. If ...

Dreaming Of The Future: Beyond Covid19

Aloha Ohana, I hope this finds you healthy and happy.  Finding a safe place for healing in an uncertain, and ever changing environment can be scary. It is nuts that it is taking Covid19 for us to break thru illusions, and move thru fears.  In illusions I mean, Our life really always was uncertain, we just believed otherwise! More than ever before, we take  health seriously. Our Vitality. My ugly truth: I'll admit, I was beyond burnt out on giving massages. Maybe on life...I needed a pause button to catch up with myself, from burning the candle at both ends. I needed some quiet, alone time. ***What I didn't need is to witness, but helped me learn is the COVID CRAY CRAY. By now we have all experienced that family member,  that neighbor and friend, and unknowns spinning on a chaotic treadmill of drama...losing their shit. I quit. Not dealing with THAT. I'm having no part. I'm using this time as an upgrade opportunity as to go within furth...