Self love. Love yourself, number 1.

     Henry Ford once said, "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."

     Life often gets dark, before it gets light. You must walk thru the darkness, not side stepping, nor evading. Each of us must have the courage to pass thru solo on this journey. Not all will make it. For those that do, it changes parts of you forever. 

     I don't care who I lose anymore, as long as I don't lose myself again. I have learned, I am not made for everyone. Especially those afraid of the dark!

I Walk away from people who put me down, or draw life out of me. I Walk away from fights that will never be resolved, oftentimes that fight has nothing to do with me. I Walk away from trying to make people see my worth...because they never will. The more I walk away from the toxic, and poisons ...
the more I will find a path of peace.

A path that flows.

Whatever is great for your soul, do THAT.

Protect your space.
Protect your energy.

People will continue to take...
and take. and take.

A repeat lesson, I now learned.

    With this I must remember to stay in the present moment.
and life will give plenty of time!

Even on the days where there is no sunlight, and our days are growing darker, and shorter..........

Focus on the warmth. The warmness a soul lends. 
So subtle, 
so dang heavy!!!

     My heart has a rhythm  from which it moves from an endless bound ocean, as if at my doorstep.

    And in choosing me, fighting for me, protecting me, I fell in love with me.
I fell in love with the ART of taking care of me.

   ...And I am thankful for even the nasty friends that betrayed me, as they were a part of this plan of growths and self evolution .

      Leveling up in consciousness can get a little lonely, but it is better this way, as I cannot lower my standards to "keep" people around. They must meet me at my level. Self respect .
The ones that will pick you up, when you are at your worst, and not just around for the parties, glam, and glitter!

    And I have come to learn, and value myself as a powerful woman, full of self respect, who has everything going for myself.
If you are not ready to add value to my life, please just admire me from afar. Don't interrupt my greatness.

Allow me to be my free spirited self.
My old soul...
that protects our earth, and animals alike. 
I speak my truth, and defend the right...the just.
I love our planet earth, the rivers, the ocean, the sun, the moon, the birds, the breeze!

I seek others of enlightenment, believers in magic.
I am not separate from the whole.... but one.
I am the Earth, the sun, the moon, the sea, the air we breathe.
I don't have a life, I am life!

and I have learned,
that if you don't come from a rich family...
then you my darling, must recognize, a rich family must come from you. CLAIM IT!

Everyone deserves a chance to FLY.

    I'm waiting for the one who adores me. The one who brings out the best in me. The one who will drop everything to be with me, no matter the circumstances. The person who can make me smile, and laugh. The guy who wants to show me off to the world proudly. The guy who makes ME A PRIORITY.

                            Because that is where I belong.

I am no longer available for things that make me feel like shit.
I will not chase.
I will not beg.
I will not stress.
I will simply...


:life is too short.

Living fully myself.
Living my dreams.
Manifesting greatness.

None of us have tomorrow.

                    and we only have this moment.
                                                             I'm living my best life.

I'm doing the WORK.

      I owe it to myself to show up for me, and love on me, and be happy. Have FUN. be PLAYFUL. Love wholeheartedly.

      AS a traumatized child, I had always dreamed that someone would come and save me.  Silly Maria!
Now I know, without a doubt, 
I am
that someone.
Myself as an adult!
Made out of affirmations, and self love.
My unleashed superhuman abilities of limitless potential within.
And MY time is now.
My own truth.
My own power.
I own who the fuck I am.

My future man will consider me his dream girl...

I can ride horses, I can fly airplanes, I can create, artistic, paint, weld, cut metal, read, do tarot, I have owned a successful business for 20 years, balance your chakras and beat your ass!!!!
I am a scorpio.  My sun is in Scorpio, my moon is in pieces, my Venus is in Scorpio! 
I am water.
Powerful enough to drown you, 
soft enough to cleanse you,
Deep enough to save you.
I bring a lot to the table.
Unconditional love.
Ancestral wisdom,
Spiritual purpose,
and I will raise your vibration, your frequency.

I seek this in return from you.

And I knew I was healing when,
I began responding in thoughtful ways, rather than reacting.
I really enjoy my alone time.
I now see my parents, as people with their own unresolved trauma.
I am now setting boundaries, and when people dont respect them, I am clearing space...for those that do!

I do not need a lover to tell me I am magic, 
I am magic.
I already know,
I am.

My current focus is my pilots license.
My current focus is on loving my inner child, and playing as much as possible.
I am currently focused on healing trauma,
 and setting boundaries. 
I am currently focused on meeting my highest self, and living my best life.
Learning to SLOW DOWN.

I want to do mutual healing, with someone that wants too, and is willing do the work. Having the ability to navigate big emotions, and life events together.
***And he will rub my shoulders deeply, and cook us nutritious meals to relax!

I have found strength in my emotions.
I have cried tears of joy...
over limitless love.
My compassion is as glorious as my sun kissed skin.
My laughter can be heard in adjacent rooms, and will break down walls dividing.
My smile lights up a ballpark.
My presence changes lives.

To love me,
Is to have lived.

Everything is within me, I am stronger than I know. I am the daylight, I am the evening night too.
I am all of that darkness you fight,
Bottled up inside of you.

The light you seek is within you, and never ever alone...
I love you,
because you are love.

If you have ever walked away from toxic, negative, abusive, one-sided, dead-ended, low vibrational friendships, family members, or relationships...

If you need your chakras balanced, your energy cleared, or you need a reading, you can do so


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