Playfulness with Child-like Splendor

Playfulness: the quality of being light-hearted,  full of fun.
Play: Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children.light and constantly changing movement.

Why did we all want to grow up so fast?
                                 Why did we get so serious?
                                                  When did we stop playing?

    Have you become too serious about everything, and you are no longer having fun? Have you become too ridged?
Does creativity flow from you?
Do you know how to let your hair down?
Are you so focused on the end product, deadlines, bills, taxes, family, relationships, that you forgot about the playful process?

     We have an innate need to experience enjoyable activities, thru a healthy lifestyle. 

Can you remember back to being a kid, what made you happy then?

    Its not so much one activity that you need to do, however, its more in the spirit of playfulness, and bringing THAT into everything else you do in life.

As you begin to release heaviness from within, you become more trusting, and lighter. 

Start inviting silly, FUN, and joyful into your world.

It is thru this, we gain more information about ourselves.

     I am infusing a lifestyle full of happy playfulness, and I want it to ooze into everything I do. Being playful is a. big part of healing.
We all need to connect to our playful nature. 
Having curiosity to explore, allowing adventures, FLOW.

Maybe it is a new route into work?
Maybe you will attend a football game spontaneously?
Maybe you will jump on the trampoline with your kids in the backyard?
Maybe you will climb trees with your kids, or build a tree fort for yourself!
Maybe you will draw, paint, or pick up an instrument?
Maybe it means you will wear a silly hat, glasses or shoes?
Maybe you will eat ice cream for dinner, and doodle in a coloring book?
Maybe it means building a fort in the living room, and staying up late watching movies?

     Its not what you do, but how you do it, that is important. 

Can you let go just a little? How about making a silly face at yourself in the mirror?

     You don't have to have it figured out...just try something new.
Experience life again with child like splendor.
Begin with having curiosity.
Step into the unknown.
Something great can only come out of brave willingness to try something unknown.
                             Have no fears.
                                          Step into the unknown with lightness and  freedom, broadcast to the world... "I am actively going to incorporate PLAYFULNESS into every aspect of my lifestyle acceptable".

Begin again!

It is okay to have questions, and don't be worried about the answers, that is not the point.

Let play be the recurrent theme.

Play is something we do for the enjoyment of the process, and not for the finished product.

Play is something we do for the enjoyment of the process, and not for the finished product.

We all need more PLAYFULNESS in our life.
Apply the spirit of playfulness into everything possible in your life.
Learn to play again.
I believe it is a key ...
to the fountain of youth.

To enjoy your life more fully, and operate from a playful place, you can book Pilates, massage, and other "wellness Packages" online at

Book Maria Toro!


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