HELP With Painful Shin Splints!

I love running.
I have been running before high school track, and I still run today.
 I completed two full marathons, Honolulu, and Portland; and dozens of half marathons. 
                                   I enjoy that runner's high!
                                          I enjoy sweating, and the ME time.

     With the enjoyment of this sport, also comes pain, especially if you are not doing IT right.
                                    As in gait, shoes, too much....too soon.

      My first experience of shin splints was in high school. I couldn't believe the pain, and I remember icing my shins during a PE class to reduce my pain, and swelling. I had overdone it with the running, I had become obsessed, and it wasn't in balance at that time. I wasn't in the best pair of shoes for my feet, or my gait. I had added too many miles too soon, and I did NOT understand recovery nor rest, unless I was in debilitating pain. .. and no longer could :(

      *Little did I know then, how much my own body would help educate, inform, and teach me!
My experiences aid in growing/learning from, and it better assists in the work I do today!

     The Tibialis Anterior is referred to as " anterior shin splint muscle", is attached proximally to the lateral condyle of the tibia, and the proximal lateral shaft of the tibia. Distally, it is attached to base of the first metatarsal and first cuneiform. 
The main action of Tibialis Anterior is Dordiflexion, and inversion of the glorious, under appreciated foot.

     In dumbed-down terms, this muscle helps us walk!
It lifts our toes off the ground, and balances the body weight during walking or standing, especially when standing/balancing on one foot.

      Pain and swelling of the shin, front of ankle, and into mid foot, and is often associated with repetitive over use, and or poor fitting shoes, and a combo thereof.
     This  excessive extra strain on the foot can be gradually onsetting.
      To Identify and treat it with manual massage therapy is key in recovery ensuring a positive outcome.
                                   Stretching also helps.
As does identifying the cause, to prevent further aggravation, and to apply corrective actions for recovery, and beyond.

I can help you!

    Scheduling regular bodywork puts you in touch with your body, and heals any challenges along the way. It is the best way to care for, and repair, heal the body. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, and energetically.
We can effect, and repair everything together.
Experience improved mobilization, decreased pain and inflammation. Improve your gait, and posture!
Feel optimal.
Have vitality!
Take care of yourself.

If you are a runner, or athlete, 
even a walking athlete, and are experiencing shin splints ... or any pain and discomfort:
It is your responsibility to you... to take care of yourself properly. 
     The most holistic way of healing soft tissue is with massage therapy.

Demonstrate this by scheduling regular bodywork sessions. 

*Even if only one a month, that is only 12 a year. Twelve out of 365 days...That is not enough, but, it is a good mindful start.

Improve your health and wellness.
Schedule with Maria!
Book self-love self care with Maria Toro!


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