Mindfulness-Meditation Sunrise and Sunset Classes at LeGuerisseur Healing Center

Join me in a "drop in" Sunrise and Sunset Mediation Classes on Mercer Island at LeGuerisseur Healing Center.

     Meditation research has been rolling in steadily for a number of years now, with new studies coming out every week to illustrate new benefits of meditation. With studies reporting that meditation helps relieve our levels of anxiety and depression, while improve attention, concentration, and overall well-being. There’s certainly a lot of evidence that it may do some good for those who practice it regularly.

     Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.

I Love those.....Ahhhhhaaaa moments! The clarity mediation brings.

I have read that,

Meditation can Preserve the Aging Brain, and

Just a Few Days of Training Improves Concentration and Attention!

Meditation Reduces Anxiety — and Social Anxiety and

Meditation Can Help with Addiction.

Mediation Can even Help Kids in School.
In fact, I believe it should be a requirement, like recess. A tool to help in current life, and as we move through life. 

Besides, Meditation can also improve physical health by reducing strain on the heart. ... Summary: Blood pressure decreases not only during meditation, but also over time in individuals who meditate regularly. This can reduce strain on the heart and arteries, helping prevent heart disease. Teach this habit/behavior at a young age! Patients in the mindfulness-based intervention group had significant reductions in clinic-based blood pressure measurements. ... It has been suggested that meditation may be useful in lowering blood pressure.

Mindfulness-Meditation has been shown to affect how the brain works and even its structure. ... Many studies have shown changes in brain wave activity during meditation, and researchers have found that areas of the brain linked to emotional regulation are larger in people who have meditated regularly for five years or more.

Try our Sunrise and sunset guided Meditation For Self Healing. at LeGuerisseur Healing Center on Mercer Island Washington.

Our Sunrise classes are drop in only. 
We begin exactly on the hour for 45 minute sessions. Late entry is strictly not allowed. Please allow 5 minutes for current community to exit, and wait quietly in hall. We will accept students 10 minutes before class begins. Credit or cash at door. Wear comfortable clothing. You must wear socks or ballet slippers. Bring your yoga mat, or rent one from us for $3.

Sunrise Meditations:

5AM-5:45AM: Meditation

5:45AM-5:50AM: exit 
5:50AM-6AM: enter/pay

6AM-6:45AM: Meditation

6:45AM-6:50AM: exit
6:50AM-7:00AM: enter/pay

7:00AM-7:45AM: Meditation

7:45AM-7:50AM: exit
7:50AM-8AM: enter/pay

8AM-8:45AM: Meditation

8:45AM-8:50AM: exit

Please Leave promptly, and quietly.

While In Mediation You have silence, and the ability to listen.

... Each time you listen, it will initiate a deep healing transformation of every cell in your body. 

Other benefits include instant relief from physical pain, healing long-term illnesses, finding deep levels of inner peace, an increased amount of energy, and the quieting of mind chatter.

MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness practice, the brain's“fight or flight” center, the amygdala, appears to shrink. This primal region of the brain, associated with fear and emotion, is involved in the initiation of the body's response to stress.

Traditional Types of meditation:

Loving-kindness meditation. With the many types of meditation to try, there should be one to suit most individuals. ...

Body scan or progressive relaxation. ...

Mindfulness meditation. ...

Breath awareness meditation. ...

Kundalini yoga. ...

Zen meditation. ...

Transcendental Meditation.

Mindfulness and meditation are often used to mean the same thing, which can be confusing, while not many are clear on what 'mindfulness meditation' is and how it differs from either of the above. 

... “Mindfulness is the awareness that arises when we non-judgmentally pay attention in the present moment.“There are many forms of meditation, including contemplation and visualization, but mindfulness is the type where you bring your full mind to an object.” Being mindfulof your breath, for example, is a common form of mindfulness during meditation. Following your breath improves your awareness of being in the present.

We will show you how to meditate: Simple meditation for beginners

Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair or cushion. I suggest bringing your yoga mat.
Close your eyes. ...
Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.

Let me help you focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.

And while you are ay home,
Here are eight ways that you can rid your mind of stress, allowing you to remain focused on crushing any goal you set.

Talk to a friend. ... connect with community.
Read a great book. ... a vacation .
Write down your thoughts in a journal. ... always with me!
Hit the gym hard. ... YES!!!! or PILATES ;)
Go for a long run. ... my favorite!!!!
Go punch for punch in the boxing ring. ... Thanks to PAPA!
Take some time to meditate. DAILY.PRACTICE.

So you ask...how long does it take for meditation to be effective?
Most will feel results immediately.
AGAIN, 21 days for a new habit to begin, 90 days for a lifestyle. I want you to think LIFESTYLE.
This is a healthy habit, and it fills your cup up, so you can give more freely. I read that we should spend our age in meditation twice a day. This translated in real life is for me, I am 41. Therefore, I should mediate twice a day for minimum 41 minutes each session.
1 to 3 months think how dramatically your life will change simply by making one small choice to love yourself each sunrise or sunset!

That said, it's important not to force yourself into meditating. Allow. Be disciplined about your practice. To be successful choose the same times each day. Your body loves a schedule, it takes thinking out of it, and it actually allows us to relax even more.

Our Sunset Mediation class, is a WONDERFUL way to prepare your body for a solid night's sleep.
 our evening class begins promptly at 7:30pm, and is available Tuesday and Thursday. We focus on nurturing the body and soul. We do this with sound healing, aromatherapy, and divine guidance leading mind and body to a restful place of deep relaxation. Incorporated breathing, and positive mindful affirmations. 

I suggest you take our Stretchrassage class before, which is also Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30PM.
This combo is healing for the soul, mind, and body. You will be stretched out physically in your muscles, you brain will be unplugged from all stresses, the aromatherapy will ground, and allow your journey to begin, the massage touch is healing, and you can drift to places/worlds only known to you...even beyond! Unlock messages in the quiet silence. Walk away with treasures beyond measure.

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat.


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