How to Begin a Basic Meditation Practice

Get Into a Comfortable Position
, You want to be able to completely relax while still staying awake. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR POSTURE.

Close Your Eyes Gently LET GO.Keep your jaw slack, You want to relax all of your facial muscles. Your REAL goal is to relax every part of your body. DEEP BREATHS HELP REMOVE TENSION FROM THE BODY.

Keeping your mind clear
is the most important, and staying unattached to thoughts. Learning to do this during your meditation practice can help you to let things go in the rest of your life as well because... How we do one thing, is how we do all things.

Trust me, The quiet spaces between thoughts will become longer and more frequent the longer you practice. Give it time. and be consistent. Think longer range, and make shorter goals; like think what your life will be like in a year after dedicated practice, and how about in just three months, and how will you feel at the end of one month, or one class?

I was told by my mentor, meditate twice a day your age. I typically round up, so I am 41.5...I aim for two 45 minute sessions each day. Time dedicated to self. It gets easier, and more enjoyable with more practice. Show up for yourself!

SELF LOVE and SELF care is nurturing the soul. Let us show you how!
Join us on your mat for our Sunrise Meditation classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5am, 6am, 7am, and 8am. also Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:30pm. Get into the habit of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Live your best life.
at Leguerisseur Healing Center


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