
     Laying in meditation, I began a vision quest, where I came face to face with spirit, to face fear. Upon awakening, I found a key, and I heard a whisper somewhere in the distance..."This will open a new door. Write a new chapter". I look around, but see no humans.
     OK, I am tuning in, and I am asking for help seeking clarity.
She made me first promise: "I will stop being too busy in life, and commit to spirit". ..and with a louder scolding tone, "Do not miss this call again".

     My Secret Astral Goddess comes offering Mana, supernatural power, to develop higher self. She is showing sacred symbols, to find and restore health, and balance.  She asked me to "imagine a better life for myself"...She pried..."what nutrients do you need? What dreams do you want to awaken? What do you want to bloom? What fruits? what seeds"? What do you REALLY want?" I found myself in the a gentle warm ocean of inter-dimensional travel to higher states of awareness. She empowered me to be a conscious creator! What do I want?...She continues to ask with curiosity.

Taking a moment....

     If I "accept this great power, blessings, and love will come my way...unlimited spiritual resources, to use for highest integrity. Reach full potential, and destiny", she continues, "say YES to the calling."

I am pausing, as to think thru my options, and I hear her again,
"take leaps Maria! YES!!! It is the start of a great journey, with rich realms of wisdom."

     I can hear the ocean waves lapping against the shoreline. A repetitive, powerful force, tossing itself onward, until the last drop has been expelled, only to suck it back out into self, and begin again.

The voice begins, "Your gifts you offer life are to be celebrated. You need never worry again. Trust that my job is for your highest good. I want you healed & restored. You must take care of yourself, and not give all of your magic away. I am here to heal your old wounds, please hand them over to me. Make peace Maria. Be open to what is in your future waiting for you."

     "Stay in this ocean Maria, you can come back to this place anytime you please, remember this...let the ocean wash away all of your events from the past. Let the ocean cleanse you of relationships that are toxic and draining. Be like  the ocean to allow your passion to flow. And VISUALIZE what you want."

... and in this moment, I Let go of everything else that is not serving me, and I start the mystical healing journey. A moment of enlightenment, connecting to true source to manifest desires.

Together, we made a clear goal for how I will to connect to higher self, connecting to the divine.

     "Look at the plants here in Hawaii, You my dear...need more care, more love, More water, more nutrients, more need more loving energy to restore. Let this beauty penetrate your heart. Have awareness of your surroundings, their is change in your soul. I am offering you a positive outlook, enlightenment, protection. Share your authentic LOVE, it is safe. Create the reality that you want. Harmonize the heart and the mind. Flow gracefully in this life, you have the gifts and talents, and strong connection to source, and memory of everything. Believe in your self worth., set your boundaries in kindness...continue to illuminate awareness/mindfulness. Do not wrestle with your darkness, I will haunt you in your dreams. You cannot run, so you must choose to look in the mirror, and get in touch with source. Pay attention to the wisdom that emerges out of the darkness with the messages in your dreams."

     Inhaling a deep breathe of gardenia,  it calls me to this celebrated place. I feel wrapped in sweet love, and joy by the warmth of sun, and light. The birds are happily singing songs of hope for a new days,  new chapters, and new beginnings. In this moment I feel everything alive, the sand, these lava rocks, the ocean herself.
     I have been putting off the wisdom, and guidance of my teacher, now is the time to stop doing so. I accept her guidance. I will Allow love to motivate all of my actions and words. I will listen when making decisions. I will eat more wholesome nutrient dense foods. I will communicate and connect. And set a healthy lifestyle routine. I will create the right circle,  and give myself a good home. I will set aside time each day to spend in spiritual reflection. To seek opportunities to put more love into the world...and that love begins with self-care, and loving me. 
"Yes!!! she exclaims in joy!! You need more sleep too. Make sure to get out in nature, and exercise. Continue to challenge yourself, express gratitude,  laugh and meditate. You are on the right path."
And to my gentle surprise I realize, she was honest in saying I will never be alone on this journey. It is so much better to make a path in life with guidance. 

If you are looking for someone to guide your body back to health, you may do so with Maria J. Toro on Mercer Island, at Leguerisseur Healing Center.
Book Maria!


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