Self Care

As we slide into fall, it is time to remember to SLOW DOWN, and increase the self care. Rest is vital. Maybe you feel the need for more sleep, you need to LISTEN to your body. Learn to take care of yourself. One of the things I discovered many years ago... is to write a list of things that make me happy, and bring those things into daily practice. It might be a tea ceremony, a nightly bath with essential oils, and Epsom salts, it is probably taking the dog for a walk in the neighborhood. It is working out, including cardio, stretching, and strength training. It is time spent meditating, gathering deeper insights, it is singing. It is creating ART. It might be tending the garden for you. It is surrounding yourself with loved ones. It is allowing for "ME TIME". It is quiet time at home; maybe a face mask, tea, coffee, wine, water. It is reading a book. It is listening to relaxing music.It is going to the movies. It is NOT OVER SCHEDULING life. It is breathing deeply, and mindfully staying present to what your needs require. IT is massage, spa day, nails, hair... Taking care of you!Caring about the way your dress, and present yourself to the world surrounding. It is the products you use to cleanse your body, and the daily rituals you express love to self. PaRT OF LIVING A meaningful life, is taking care of YOU. You cannot continue to give from an empty vessel. Ask yourself what your needs are? What do you want? And let the self care begin.


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