
2020, The Great Depression: Covid-19

  Nothing is broken, we are transforming, transmuting.  What is meant for you....                                  WILL BE. NONE of us are happy right now. None of us...for GENERATIONS, has had to endure these changes. I understand we have a choice to be happy. I understand we have a choice for positive mindset. mindfullness. These times are wearing; like a carpet in a high volume traffic path, WORN AWAY... And yet, at this dark epicenter, the eye of the storm... is a calm peace of knowing it will resolve soon, with releasing, letting go,  and not clinging on for dear life. As the end of our days, we are practicing each moment. existing... in this crazy.... haze. With Aloha. Meta-Maria.

Queen, It is Time to Stunt On Those Doubts.

Aloha Ohana,            WHAT other people think of me is none of my business.                                                 My mental health has been tested like no other this year.        Every time we level up, we must set new boundaries. What was okay before, is no longer acceptable, it no longer works. Therefore, the humans in our lives, our-self care rituals, our environments and situations we engage in...ALL MUST ADJUST, to meet our new vibrational frequency in order to be sustained, One of the highest places you can reach, is to be independent of the good opinions of other people. This is part of healing the thought process on a sub conscious level. Healing old patterns, and ways of being. As we begin to love, and value ourselves, sending that love and harmony out to infuse the mind, and body in a peaceful envi...

The Inside Job.

A lesson I continue to learn in this life is: the more I take care of me, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically, intimately, sexually, mindfully... and treasure my physical being as a vehicle that houses my soul; that once I have the inner way... the outer way always follows. Do you like what you reflect? Are you aligning? Spirit is suggesting more time dedicated to meditation. For rest. For remembering dreams and messages from astral realms, and ancient ones. For clarification. Unlimited spiritual resources right now, just ask! Examine attitude, and actions! Are they of the highest integrity? Are they of highest intention? Does what you are about to begin lead you to be refreshed and rejuvenated? Finding a balance within this intensity of a pandemic, an election, massive lifestyle changes for most, finding the hidden gems of insight; and manipulating the chaos to calm thru mindful awareness of balance, and long-lasting wisdoms.  Find your passion. Harmonize...

World Peace.

 Purposeful peace.? PEACE. World peace is an inside job. INNER peace, creates world peace. Peaceful, enlightened people have perfect love within them, a well of love. There are two ways to view anything.  One is violent fear. One is peaceful love. ...The yin and yang universally. The more inner work we do, we create inner peace. The more forgiveness work we do, we create inner peace. IF you get a world of people who have inner peace, you have a peaceful world. Allow... peace and love...  to nurture us through this time of change. LIFE IS SACRED. New dawn, new day, begin again. As we move forward with ease peacefully, ask yourself; Does what I am about to begin, lead me to feel rejuvenated? All aspects of life are scared. Whatever we begin should allow us to float effortlessly in FLOW. Acknowledge the oneness of all of life. Recognize you are apart of something larger. We have a connection in this life, on this Phyical plane, in this Phyical body, with the divine, with the...

Lessons on Lessons: Boundaries!

Aloha Ohana, The more balanced we are, the more inner light, or Kukui is revealed.  We create balance: spiritually, materially, physically, emotionally, energetically...idealistically. This state of balance,  allows our inner lights to flicker and flow thru transforming universal love source. Their is medicine in the torch of wisdom. Their is joy in victory. Their is beauty in purpose. When you are unbalanced, you create negative states: jealousy, hatred, envy, separation, greed, and fear. The more we are balanced, the more inner light! Being able to express boundaries, using throat chakra to create peace, and balance for self is essential.  Only the people who NEED,  and REQUIRE boundaries, are the human do not like them. Ever seen an adult lose their shit when you set boundaries? Boundaries is a form of self-love. Being brave is an act of self-love, it is you telling the world, you deserve your space in it. Your self-respect must be stronger than your feelings. Wha...

Inner Work is Outer Shifts

  Aloha Ohana, If you are doing the INNER work;  great shifts are happening. LEVELING UP. Having A PEACEFUL MIND, FOCUSED ON HARMONY, and not harming others, IS STRONGER THAN ANY Phyical force in the universe. Allow.  PEACE. Allow the universe to be your partner. RElease past ideals that no longer serve you. RElease fake friends, disrespectful, parasitic, dark energies. Stand up for self, use voice. This is a time of completion of cycles, as we shift from old to new. KARMIC SHIFTS.  As we shift, those that once were close, begin to drift away. We can THANK them for the LESSONS they shared, and for giving us higher perspectives with better view points. Some situations, people have taught us to USE OUR VOICES! Surviving so many challenges, and lessons...the REminder is to REst...REcover...Retreat, into a CALM environment; where you can REplenish energy. Stabilize and REcognize how much STRESS was wrapped up in that time. It is vital to heal the body, and REset mind bac...

The New World:

Aloha Ohana, We are in a new world: Who are you now?                                      How do you spend your time?  Time is currency, we only have so much of it.  We get twelve months each year, how are you spending your time?  Who are you spending your time with? How does your energy feel when you are with them? How you view time is based on your perspectives, your lens. Infinite potential or shrunken and finite... it is your call. Will you break free of cause and effect thinking? Can you move beyond linear? Wheels turn, in this all powerful moment. Take back your life, change generational curses, step into the new you. As we get out of the log jam in our minds, and into the present, we realize anything is possible! All treasures reveal in a relaxed state of mind, to make this the "new" and only way. CLEAR YOUR SPACE, keep it peaceful. Be protective of this, above all else. ...