
     The frequency of REALIZATION supports the internal process of becoming aware of our heart-centered truths. This also allows and leads us to the external process of becoming our highest expression in this world. 

     Maturity in a heart centered place allows love.
Resonates LOVE.
It hears love. It knows love. It feels love, and it wants to express love.
LOVE. in its most high, pure frequency.

     Romantic LOVE supports our journey to feel whole and complete through the experience and reflection of a conscious lover.

 This is why it is so important to wait, allow a significant pause on this... one must mature, and choose wisely.
One most not go thru humans PRACTICING with hearts. Even the best of humans end up doing this because we get into relationships too early, they damage us, we hurt, and get guarded, and we get into another relationship, and are stuck on repeat....
until we are so damaged and hurt, and empty. This is not how it is meant to be. Take time to heal. Take time to reflect, and know self. Love self. Mature self.
only then...
Romantic LOVE.


As lovers, it is a choice.

You choose each other, because your life is improved with that person being apart of your world, and vise versa!

Certainly trials, tests, crossroads, and decisions will arise... #GROWTHOPPORTUNITIES 
As does support, admiration, loyalty, affection, friendship, and so many possibilities for new beginnings, firsts, and traditions!
Authentic love triumphs. It is all I know to be true.

This LOVE calls us home. Something is activated, a remembrance... to our core. 

It is from here, in this place, we restored, and are supported, 
and we are then able to pour our magnificence out into the world in a WHOLE, more balanced way.

We are able to unlock hidden knowledge, and wisdoms through our sensual experiences...
gratitude offered from the heart.
a feast of love...prepared in spirit!

Make this sacred.

Nurture this.

a WILD GLORIOUS JOURNEY, with compassionate growth opportunities.
So much FUN to be had...CREATED, EXPERIENCED.

As an artist will... create...
it flows into all aspects of life...

Creating a calm, balanced life.
the energy within ourselves, our home, our work... all easy, unconditional high vibrations of love.
and joy.


Healthy moods, and wellbeing.

Reflect on this, listen to your inner wisdom.
Have courage.
Find the words to communicate with kindness.


Have space, and come back together.

Remember the sacred place, the sacrifice to make sacred... the time and happy work, with rewards greater than any mortal inheritance .

The one thing we cannot live without.

The one sacrifice, and only thing we really have to offer...

The LOVE in our Heart.

The best gift of all.

To give yourself some love, and nourish your spirit, you can book a session with Maria J. Toro at LeGuerisseur Healing Center on Mercer Island, Washington.
Book Maria!


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