Guidance From The Hawaiian Goddess, On Healing The Self.

     "Breathe deeply, you are healing" that inner voice speaking, as I stand on the green sand beach of South Point, Hawaii.
"Venture to mysterious dark places, you are protected. Have no fear, only courage, and certainty. Go beyond these walls that confine. Follow your divine purpose to serve humanity. 
Remember that love to self, is love to others."

What needs to be released? 
The question that is on repeat, in my head... during my drive.

     Guidance from the Hawaiian Goddess, on healing the self.
       "I want you to have a higher understanding on how to actively BREAK OLD PATTERNS for optimal health and wellness."
She continues,
     "Love yourself first. You are wonderful, and whole, and worthy of love. 
You are safe to love.
Respect yourself.
Honor yourself.
LISTEN to what you need."

     I walk from the green sand beach, to the very edge of the ocean, and sit quietly under a tall palm tree. I close my eyes, and go within to hear the messages meant for me. 
     "It is time to let go of the limiting stories, negative patterns, and destructive forces of ancestors, and their karma. It is time to heal your wounds. It is time to craft a new life! It is time to forgive yourself, and forgive your past. It is pertinent, that you act and live with impeccable intentions. As what goes around, comes around, we are all connected.  HELP Clean it up!
Honor ancestors, this brings peace to the world, and harmony to us. Healing, powerful medicine.
Continue to shine the light in all of your shadow aspects, as strongly as you can, illuminate. Go deeper, do not stop here. Our deepest work, is our darkest work. 
You will have the best view, if you build on the best land. 

Step into your birth-right abundance, 

write the new story on your life."

I opened my eyes, and look out at the endless ocean, with her powerful waves. I pulled out my journal and pen, and wrote down the following information to share with you:

 Your health is dependent on four facets: The physical body, the spiritual body, mental body, and emotional body.

The physical body is affected by our emotions, Your physical body is the reflection and total sum of all aspects of who you are. You are cells, ligaments, muscles, bones. In Hawaii, bones are sacred.
Bones can never be destroyed, the only thing we posses that we can Destroy is our soul. 
Be mindful of your Physical body, here are additional ways to love on it:

Move your body...PILATES! 
Prepare fresh, organic meals.
Get plenty of sleep.
More time to REST.
Receive regular massages.
Spend time in nature.

The spiritual body is your connection to energy.
Energy trickles down from the spiritual body, from source, or the universe .
PROTECT SOULFUL LIFE. Nourish your intuition. LISTEN to your inner child.

additional ways to love on your spiritual body:
Practice meditation daily.
Learn to work with energy as a way to keep the energy channels open.
Study consciousness, religion,  philosophy or mindfulness.
Attend a silent retreat.

The mental body is your thoughts, beliefs, desires, values, and goals. Be mindful not to destroy your potential with self destructive deadness. You must investigate your own past, and shine a light on your shadow, illuminate yourself all the time!
additional ways to love on mental body:
GOALS! Be a goal getter!
Get a coach or mentor to keep you focused on your goals.
Continue your education (read books, take classes).
Eliminate stressors from your life.

Your emotional body is comprised of all your past, present, and future emotional experiences. Emotions and memories are categorized and stored, and they influence how we respond to experiences in the moment. Stored baggage from past fears, can create turbulence. We have to deal with our baggage.
additional ways to love on the Emotional Body:
Self-reflect, journalling is great!
Practice forgiveness, of self and others.
Practice gratitude for the gifts and opportunities

The meaning of our self is not to be found in its separateness from the divine, and others, but in the ceaseless realization of our interconnected union. The more I heal me, the more I heal you. The more I love me, the more I love you. The more I care for me, the more I care for you.

Taking time to carefully tend to ourselves as a whole, allowing energy to flow through all the layers of our being,  creates a spiritually connected, mentally stimulated, emotionally centered, vibrant happy body to life a wonderful life. Take time to seek more happiness, connection, joy, health, and fulfillment. 
Continue to challenge beliefs, and break old patterns of ignorance.
It is...
Time to transform. To do this you must have: 

Here is the KEY: to give self permission, and endorsement to know your deepest self, to know your darkest secrets of psyche...
Take notice, and pay extremely close attention to
spirit. You are never alone.
 Give your dreams a little energy, everything is possible. Your time is NOW.
Remember to Communicate with your Divine Self and with your divine guides today...they are always with you, they want to assist you.

Follow  intuition... this is your divine gift, and you must use it.

True health comes when we are able to create harmony between each of the four bodies. 
Practice listening to inner voice. Act upon your truth. Share with the world.
The goddess of the winds began chiming in, as I walked back to the rental SUV.
"Don't tackle more than you can handle. Less ambitious is okay for you... You need to SLOW DOWN. Release, let go....Unburden yourself now. You are ready to navigate life with your natural abilities. Allow me to raise you up to your full potential, get ready to FLY."

To schedule a holistic approach to your natural health, encompassing the four bodies with Maria J. Toro, LMT at Leguerisseur Healing Center on Mercer Island, Washington.


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