Shamanic Healing Offered at LeGuerisseur, Mercer Island.
While sitting in meditation, I was flooded with healing information to download, and share to facilitate, not only my personal human experience in healing, then to those who are in search, looking for healers. So much was coming in at one time, and today I will share a slice with you of this experience. Purification entered, and along came Archangel Michael. We traveled to my inner child , past wounds, scars, and pains of especially emotional, mental and spiritual realms. (To share all these specifics would take us off track, and too long of a story for todays point). I will say, I picked a tuff entrance into life, with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck during birth, and I was dark purple from lack of oxygen, I had also Soiled in utero, staying in a month too long. That was only the beginning, the parents, & family I picked had darkness of generations past, needed healing, and I was shamed, teased, tortured for my gifts along the way. By my strong will alone, I survived a...