Owning Our Magic.

WE are born into these fabulous human vessels, and so full of gifts, life, awareness, curiosity, splendor, absolute magnificence. And slowly, we are taught to hush, and hide our magic. As women, our magic, is especially vital to our very essence. So many of us, not only lose our magic, we lost the very sight of its existence, some in fact, deny their magic. Henry Ford said, "when everything seems to begging against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind." ...And isn't it in our more transitional, dark hours we can feel lost or trapped in this "illusion" of living or surviving or thriving.when it feels like everything is going wrong, intend that OLD ENERGY is gonna get the fuck outta here, so that new energy can enter! Set focus and trust that good shit is coming=magic! Now, as one, who... lost herself, and momentarily, maybe even lost her way; ...